loking for Synodontis petricola

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loking for Synodontis petricola

Post by kevbeaumont »

as title says looking for Synodontis petricola in the north east uk any help would be great cheers
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Re: loking for Synodontis petricola

Post by Richard B »

Is it Petricola or Lucipinnis you are after? 99% of fish labelled Petricola are Lucipinnis. The only place i know of up north that has proper Petricola is Mike's Rifts but he is North West
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Re: loking for Synodontis petricola

Post by kevbeaumont »

cheers richards it is proper Petricola i was looking for the have the 2 anal fins were as the other only has one and the spots are a lot bigger the Petricola have more and darker spots but are proving hard to find
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Re: loking for Synodontis petricola

Post by Kif »

Frisby Aquatics in Hull has S petricola in stock of various sizes.
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Re: loking for Synodontis petricola

Post by Jools »

Moving to the "wanted" section...

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Re: loking for Synodontis petricola

Post by Richard B »

2 anal fins???
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Re: loking for Synodontis petricola

Post by Kif »

Not sure on that Richard just seen then labelled up will try and get there tomorrow and have a look and get some pics.
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Re: loking for Synodontis petricola

Post by Richard B »

Pics are very useful when trying to obtain Petricola as most fish labelled as them are not, being lucipinnis instead
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Re: loking for Synodontis petricola

Post by Kif »

Apologies for the late reply finally managed to get down the fish in question only have 1 anal fin.
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