I have 2 tanks but am in charge of 3
> A Starter 50L tank
> My Aunts (previously my old tank but still look after it for her) 80L tank
> My 180L tank.
All are community tanks.
My 180L is my latest project, and after some persuasion i ditched the plastic plants and finally some live plants & havent looked back.
The current tank mates are
> 10x Rummynose Tetra
> 4x Dwarf Gourami
> 7x Cory Trillineatus
> 10x Venezuelan Orange Cory (Which also go by Orange Bronze Cory (aeneus) i think)
> 3x Otos
Next stage of my project is to try to breed either the Trills or the Venezuelans & raise the fry. I currently have a 60L Hex tank sitting around which should be ok for a nursery or breeding tank, either that or my 50L starter tank which only has a few community fish (Guppies & neons) can be put into other tanks and use that.