madtom cats

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madtom cats

Post by toehead11183 »

im in desperate need of finding a madtom cat. we got one by accident with an order of ghost shrimp about 3 years ago when we first set up my daughters tank. she kept it up til last week when it died. shes very upset and i have had no luck finding another. i checked with the wholeseller, bait shops, and every creek around. does anyone know where i could find some?
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Re: madtom cats

Post by Suckermouth »

Tennessee? There are madtoms around. In my fairly limited experience they tend to dwell amongst woody debris in creeks and streams. The question is whether or not you have the right tools to catch them with, such as a seine.
- Milton Tan
Research Scientist @ Illinois Natural History Survey
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Re: madtom cats

Post by Shane »

You are in the heart of madtom country. If memory serves, TN has more species of madtoms present than any other state.
Have you reached out to NANFA?

Your TN regional rep is

Casper Cox
1200 B. Dodds Ave.
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37404
prizma(at sign)

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Re: madtom cats

Post by crkinney »

use minnow trap and bait with liver or shrimp
you can find home made traps on this site
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