Copyright infringement

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Copyright infringement

Post by Bijn »

I haven't been here for a while but this I want to share with you.

While searching some pics I saw one of mine on this site: ... _info.html

They must have found it in the cat-eLog. They have cut of the copymarks and placed their copymark on it.

After my mail they removed the pic very fast but I'm sure they still use a lot of pictures without permission.
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Re: Copyright infringement

Post by Jools »

I've not seen any of my pictures there but I agree there are lots that are also found here. It is sad when people steal.

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Re: Copyright infringement

Post by Richard B »

I can see (at a quick glance) familiar pics.

Identification is poor also with syno eupterus & veliger using the same photo
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Re: Copyright infringement

Post by Acanthicus »


this page is really awful, they copied a big part of our database as well. Just to copy a picture without permission is mean, but to put the own copyright on it, this is audacious.
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Re: Copyright infringement

Post by Jools »

A technical point, but they've put their watermark on the image not their copyright.

Still means they're scumbags.

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Re: Copyright infringement

Post by The.Dark.One »

Thanks for the heads up. They are using my images too. I have sent an email.
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Re: Copyright infringement

Post by Acanthicus »

@Jools: Point for you, but in the end both means that the images are their property , right?
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Re: Copyright infringement

Post by Jools »

Acanthicus wrote:@Jools: Point for you, but in the end both means that the images are their property , right?
No, it doesn't state it's their (copyright) intellectual property, it may infer it, but it doesn't state it. As I said, it's a technical point. They are presenting the images as if their own but not that they are their own. If they had of said "(c)" then that is stating they have the rights for that image. One is copyright theft, the other is fraud. I wouldn't want this minutiae to detract from what is going on here.

The images have been copied (stolen), are hosted and served to the internet from that website. That is illegal. This can be done out of ignorance, but it's still illegal. There are grey areas here when someone is reposting content from a website, but that is clearly not the case here!

If you don't get any response from the site, you can relatively simply complain to their host however posting on their facebook wall might also work.

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Re: Copyright infringement

Post by Acanthicus »

Thanks for the explanation, I wasn't aware of that actually.
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Re: Copyright infringement

Post by apistomaster »

I have had many of my photos of catfish and discus used on another website,, by several different sellers without my permission. Complaints to both the sellers and the site have never resulted in any responses and the abuses continue to show up from time to time. It is annoying, to put it mildly, when these abuses happen and others use or allow the use of my photos and fish to misrepresent as their own.
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