I doubt that it is
Synodontis dhonti. But you can decide for yourself...
Synodontis dhonti
Subject fish
Synodontis dhonti
Subject fish
The subject fish may look very similar to
S. dhonti, but it's not identical.
Here's a picture of a fish that may provide a closer match, called "
S. sp. cf. polli" in the Image Library:
Not only do
S. dhonti, S. tanganaicae, S. petricola and S. polli share many common features, but there are also undoubtedly several additional undescribed species of Tanganyika Synodontis that look very similar to these four species.
The situation may not be dissimilar to that of cichlid species in L. Tanganyika. As just one example,
Neolamprologus sexfasciatus and
N. tretocephalus look almost identical but are distinct species. These two are allopatric, but there are also examples of very similar sympatric species.
I suspect that if and when Heok Hee ever turns his attention to L. Tanganyika, we may end up with almost as many Synodontis species as cichlid species in the lake!
PS: If I had to label this fish in my pet store, I would call it "Synodontis 'panther': New, undescribed species from Lake Tanganyika!"