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In my 1m tank I keep at this moment 6 Corydoras aeneus and two Otocinclus sp. (left over of a group). Recently I noticed two little fry in this tank, and was assumed that it is Corydoras aeneus fry. But After looking today it looks like it could be a Otocinclus fry. This because the fry looks like it has a suckermouth. Hopefully you guys can tell me what it is. Yesterday I added approx 20 Sturisoma fry to this tank, but they are still in a breeders net.
Pretty cool.
I had one Parotocinclus spilosoma fry appear once but I never could deliberately breed them.
I have raised hundreds of Sturisoma aureum but I never tire of seeing their new fry.
My camera can't take such clear photos of the fry. Your photos are very good.
Interests: returning to the tropical fish hobby after 15 years... amazed at the progress with plecos in my absence! i'm a bit overwhelmed catching up. my two favorite plecos back in the day were mango (L047) & rhino.
Congratulations on your baby ottos! i hope to get otocinclus fry too, some day!
your tank is well planted. it should be a good environment for the fry to grow.
In the same tank as were the Otocinclus are swimming, there are also 6 Corydoras aeneus swimming. I was starting with water changes with cooler water, so that the Corydoras aeneus would spawn. But instead of the Corydoras the Otocinclus were starting spawning.