What is a good algae eater

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What is a good algae eater

Post by pmnovak1 »

I'm looking for a pleco of medium sized (basically, anything under 10-12") that does well eating algae off the side of a tank.

I've seen this question asked before in the forum but the only answer I've seen are for plecos that get bigger than 15" like a Gibby.

Any ideas?
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Post by Silurus »

Bristlenoses or bulldog plecos are suitable candidates.
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Post by pmnovak1 »

Thanks for the info. I actually have two juvenile bulldog's that I've had for a month now. I probably see one of them about every other day. All the other time they are hiding in the caves of my fake decorations. I've seen them a few times on the walls of the aquarium but it doesn't seem like they are doing anything about the algae on the sides.

Is it simply because they are too young to make a dent on algae in a 55 gallon tank? (They are about 1" long right now)
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Post by Silurus »

Is it simply because they are too young to make a dent on algae in a 55 gallon tank?
That may well be the case. I've found them to be fairly efficient at cleaning up algae otherwise. Bear in mind that they have to be starved now and then for them to do a really good job.
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