Not a Galaxy, but what?

Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
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Not a Galaxy, but what?

Post by bottomdwellin »

Ok here's a good one. I am going to try and sneak my digicam into my lfs later today, but heres a description.
They call it a Galaxy Pl*co, but is no where near a Leporacanthicus galaxias.
It was about 3" long and seemed a to have a broad head.
The body color appeared to be a medium brown slightly reddish.
One had about 12 yellowish spots between his head and dorsal fin, the other had a few more.
I mean I ould see why they tried to call it a Galaxy as the spots kinda milky way spiraled, but it was way different.
Besides they want $60 US for no, unless it's real odd.
Also they had a tag listing a jungle zebra pl*co, but he was not there, anyone heard that term?
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Post by magnum4 »

The price given doesn't add up but the only plec I can think of at the moment is Peckoltia cf galaxia, Gold spot. picture not availible in the cat-elog, but i'm sure you can find an image using google.
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Post by Jools »

Post some pics, we could be a here a long time otherwise. :-) At that price it might be a <I>Pseudacanthicus</I>?

Never heard of a jungle zebra pleco but common names are law unto themselves.

Last edited by Jools on 19 Nov 2003, 09:23, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by INXS »

Bottomdwelling - where are you in CT ? And what store?
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Post by bottomdwellin »

Fin & Feather in Groton

Sorry no pics came out.
After taking a long look it does look like a galaxy.
Still not sure about the others.
Thanks anyway
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Post by Yann »


Does it has that Typical Leporacanthicus shape ???
Could be eventually L240-L241 also
have you been through the Cat-elog to see if one was coming close to what you have?
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