How can I breed Corydoras Gossei

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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How can I breed Corydoras Gossei

Post by FishKeeper »

Hi i'm wanting to know how to spawn corydoras gossei. I have a group of 6 adult fish (3 males and 3 females) in a 24" x 12" x 12" tank with a box corner filter, some guppies, floating plants and sand as substrate.

Could anyone tell me how they bred there's with details of tank set up and parameters etc and how to condition them for breeding?
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Re: How can I breed Corydoras Gossei

Post by mummymonkey »

Very easy.
Condition on live and frozen foods. Keep the tank warm (26 - 28 C). Weekly water changes of 50%.
My water is very soft and the pH is about 6.
They spawn on the glass and don't eat their eggs.
Leave the eggs in the main tank to hatch and provide a fry shelter in the main tank for the fry to hide from the adults until they are big enough.
A pile of broken crockery or something like that.
I've raised and sold hundreds of these using this method over the last couple of years.
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Re: How can I breed Corydoras Gossei

Post by FishKeeper »

Thank You :)
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