Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
Im new here and I was told it was a porthole catfish and when i got home i googled them and im pretty sure its not a porthole. I really hope its not a bullhead.
Any ideas from veteran catfish keepers?
heres some pics.
(yes its in a small glass bowl only for pics before i put it in the real tank)
is one of the smallest bullheads, maxing out at about a foot TL (total length) and, IMO, the most attractive. The other species of bullheads grow to 1.5'-2', except
is one of the smallest bullheads, maxing out at about a foot TL (total length) and, IMO, the most attractive. The other species of bullheads grow to 1.5'-2', except
Yes its a lil too big for what i was looking for.
Well i have nothing against the bullheads and I use to have an about 3 foot shovel cat in my 800 gallon tank a fews years back and i loved it, larger catfish are great to own . Love their personalities ,but I was looking for portholes because they are smaller and could go in my planted 55 gallon, also the other larger tanks(500,800,1500) are all ready maxed out. But i only got for 5 bucks so i guess i can grow him out and sell/trade him when he/she gets too big.
I hope you stick around. We appear to share some goals/passions and you have real nice size tanks. There are quite few such tanks around here. It'd be interesting to learn more and see your setups... if and when you are willing.
is Florida bullhead, AFAIK. Anyway, I've seen it for sale under such label and even bought too.
Florida brown bullhead I've never heard of but imagine they may be called as such in some places. Another case against common names as they create (often not always) confusion.