L066-King Tiger Plec / L075-sabaji / L270-Chocolate zebra

Items sought in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland.
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L066-King Tiger Plec / L075-sabaji / L270-Chocolate zebra

Post by Amazon14 »


I am looking for any of the above, does any body have these for sale? I'm also looking for Corydoras Julii and Birstlenose catfish (although I know I can get these at my LFS).

I live in Redhill, Surrey, even if you do not have the above, if you live locally feel free to contact me as I'm new to this forum and would like to meet fellow local breeders/fishkeepers! :-)

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Richard B
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Interests: Tanganyika Catfish, African catfish, Non-loricariid sucker-catfish.
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Re: L066-King Tiger Plec / L075-sabaji / L270-Chocolate zebr

Post by Richard B »

Pier in Wigan can arrange delivery & have some fantastic fish. I think they have l066 at the moment & generally have the others too (l270, l075).

Cory julii generally turn out to be trillineatus despite what the label on tanks say
Lou: Every young man's fantasy is to have a three-way.
Jacob: Yeah not with another fu**!ng guy!
Lou: It's still a three-way!

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