Short snout Cory ID needed please!

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Short snout Cory ID needed please!

Post by CharlieM9 »

Bought a group of 5 of these. They don't look like what they were sold as so looking for any helpful advice Thanks!
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Re: Short snout Cory ID needed please!

Post by joemc »

maybe Corydoras leucomelas?
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Re: Short snout Cory ID needed please!

Post by CharlieM9 »

Joe, that looks really close but mine the black mask seems to come way up higher toward the dorsal and makes a distinct "V" pattern if viewed from front. Also I couldn't really see it in the catelog pics, and hard to see in my pics, but theres a lighter orange/peach color in between the black from the mask and the black from the dorsal area. Would those characteristics change your ID guess at all? Thanks btw I appreciate any help!!
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Re: Short snout Cory ID needed please!

Post by joemc »

Hi, my suggestion was based on a reply I got here earlier re the i.d. of some cories,
here is the link to the post. ... 13&t=36926
in the group of approx 100+ I had there were a lot of slightly differently marked fish, along with some obviously different species. ones like arcuatas aenus and elegens
I have looked in the aqualog books at all the spotted cories and at the end of it my head was fried! there are so many similar species that it is hard to be certain, the ones in my pictures are not as dark as they seem in the photos and the one that was identified as ambiacus has grown at about twice the rate of most of the other fish and those now stand out by a mile in the groups.
hang in there and one of the cory experts will spot your post.
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Re: Short snout Cory ID needed please!

Post by CharlieM9 »

Thanks Joe! I appreciate the input and the link! I have another group of long snouted ones that I need some input on too, but figure I'd give these guys a shot first. Yours do look like mine for sure! Any luck on spawning them?

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Re: Short snout Cory ID needed please!

Post by Coryman »

I would also go with C. leucomelas.

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