coppersafe and catfish?
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coppersafe and catfish?
I need to treat one of my 125s for velvet w/ coppersafe. I have a golden amazon, horseface and granulated catfish in the tank. The bottle doesn't say anything about dangerous for catfish, but I'm still worried. What do you guys think?
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Re: coppersafe and catfish?
I have successfully used coppersafe and catfish for ick. The ick cleared and the catfish was fine.
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Re: coppersafe and catfish?
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Re: coppersafe and catfish?
I have never used coppersafe. I used a plethora of other meds, many/most of which say to use 1/2 a dose, not to use, or excersize care with scaleless fish. I am sure I do not have an all-encompassing experience but I have never had problems I could attribute to my cats' sensitivity to meds. Even with full doses, which I normally use.
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Re: coppersafe and catfish?
I don't think your catfish will have any problems with the coppersafe. I really only worry about invertebrates and algae (of course) when treating tanks with copper sulfate.