L46 Males fighting, Do I seperate?

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L46 Males fighting, Do I seperate?

Post by CUPfishhead »

Hello I have a group of 7 L46, and 2 of my males have begun to fight. They have been fighting for about a week. Their sides are becoming a bit chewed up and the stripes are gone and showing some small bloodspots but not an open sore yet. Their tails are also bein chewed off. I have been doing 50% water changes for the past 2 weeks, trying to induce the rainy season. I am assuming they are getting ready to breed as their odontal growth has become more appearent recently. When is the time that I should seperate them or should I just let them establish dominance. They have been in the tank for about 8 months. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!!
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Re: L46 Males fighting, Do I seperate?

Post by Richard B »

A lot depends on the size of the tank.

Personally i'd remove what you consider to be the Beta male to another set up. Aftr a period this can become a second breeding colony after you add females (new or from the existing colony).

These fish really deserve the best chances given their threatened status in the wild.
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Re: L46 Males fighting, Do I seperate?

Post by CUPfishhead »

They are in a 30gal Long tank 36 x 13 x 16. I have thought about moving them also. I know there are atleast 3 males. I just dont want to lose either an alpha or beta male. I have read that they breed better in a group, has anyone had good breeding success with just 1 male and 1 female?
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Re: L46 Males fighting, Do I seperate?

Post by Suckermouth »

I've had L46 kill each other, so I'd probably split them...
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Re: L46 Males fighting, Do I seperate?

Post by Matt30 »

Hi, you could try moving there caves about so they re-establish there terrotorys, might help
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Re: L46 Males fighting, Do I seperate?

Post by bassgenie »

I agree. Move their caves around and add a couple more caves.
Thanks, Josh
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Re: L46 Males fighting, Do I seperate?

Post by CUPfishhead »

Had to seperate them, they really were fighting. But they now seem to be settled into their new tanks alpha male and another male with 2 females and the beta male with 2 females. Hope they get along now. Thanks for all the help
Heres the new zebra tank 15gal
Heres the new zebra tank 15gal
Heres the trio in the 15gal
Heres the trio in the 15gal
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