Help for ID my catfish

Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
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Help for ID my catfish

Post by cdr09 »


I maintain a pleco since 24 years, but I never been sure about his exact identity #-O . It'a a male, size around 38 cm. Here photos:
Thanks a lot for any help ^:)^
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Re: Help for ID my catfish

Post by Karsten S. »


I would say this is Liposarcus pardalis (Pterygoplichthys pardalis).
Do you have a pic with a ventral view, the ventral marking is different in L./P. disjunctivus.


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Re: Help for ID my catfish

Post by mummymonkey »

I agree with the ID above and would also like to say well done on maintaining your obviously healthy animal for so many years.
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Re: Help for ID my catfish

Post by msheresy »

24 years is awesome!

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Re: Help for ID my catfish

Post by cdr09 »

I've got it very young, size around 3 cm, now it's the big boss of the aquarium b-)
Here a pic with a ventral view:
Many thanks to you for your help (*)
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Re: Help for ID my catfish

Post by DutchFry »

This looks like to me.

I had a pardalis for a while, also bought when 3 cm, and had to re-home it at 30 cm due to lack of tank space... this made me very sad. he grew from 3 to 30 cm in 2,5 years. I am a bit surprised your fish is 'just' 38 cm after 24 years. they can and will grow out to 50+ cm monsters under the right conditions.

I also am under the impression your fish is a bit underweight. Most people think just algae is enough for them so I am not pointing the finger at you. But may I ask what tank size you keep this one and also, what is its diet?

it's an absolute lovely fish to keep they have great personality (if one can say such a thing about a fish). :d
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Re: Help for ID my catfish

Post by cdr09 »


Thanks a lot for your help.
At first it was in a 80l (seller said to me that's was ok x( ) then in a 450l. Since two year he is in a more little (280l) bac cause of change of house, but next month he return in a bac longer: 1.70m .

About diet, I give food 3 / days, zucchini / cucumber / spinach cooked, depending on the season, also cooked salad + garlic + agar (love it), and every evening food specific groundfish (5 tablets). He also loves yogurt, turn crazy with that :d
He did not much like raw vegetables, cooked are better eaten.

Compared to the photo Pterygoplichthys disjunctivus, drawings on his back are much less contrasted, and the head seems less round, otherwise it looks much indeed.
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Re: Help for ID my catfish

Post by DutchFry »

oh great, food wise your doing a good job! I always had a piece of zuchini in the tank and refreshed it every day, but I think your fish probably not grows so quickly because of limited tank space. good to hear it's getting a bigger tank!
Greetings, Tim
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