Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Post by Bijn »

Skoon platkopkes!
kruseman wrote:Me and my family were somehow overwhelmed by the sheer size of these driftwoodcatfish when removing the lid of the bucket this afternoon.
Then you should see my female Trachelyopterus galeatus :d
kruseman wrote:My 5 year-old daughter called them "Hippofish". The mouth is pretty wide indeed.
Sometimes kids contrive very accurate descriptions for things they don't know. In fact, most of the times they do better then adults .

I saw them in living live, nice fish. Enjoy them!

The three smaller specimens from the Trachelyopterus from Argentina (?) are getting less shy. When I feed them late in the evening they come out to eat. The fisheri are quite shy for the moment, they have been more active. I'm thinking to change the inhabitants of that tank. Maybe the inhabitants of their tank are part of the reason why they are shy.
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Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Post by Marc van Arc »

Nice pictures, Arjan. Make some more; the Clog and myself could do with better pictures than currently available.

Things went well yesterday. No horror stories of Ageneiosus tangled up in nets and stuff. No panicking fishes, no grunting for space after redecorating. I was very surprised that my remaining auchenipterids came out to feed last night; that's pretty unusual ime!
I was able to count 3 otorongos, so in the worst case I now have 6, but I take it number 7 will still be around. Like genuine Spinipterus, they had crammed themselves into pieces of wood. Good thing they didn't have to go out, because that would have been a mission impossible.
My last won't last long, though. It's literally running on empty and I can't get it to eat. As my other ageneiosids are doing fine on frozen foods and flakes(!), the era of feeder fish has now ended.

I'd like to thank Arjan Kruseman, Bijn and Arthos for providing good homes for the auchenipterid species I could no longer keep for whatever reason. It's so good to know their whereabouts, including the fact that they get the best care possible.
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Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Post by kruseman »

Ol' Blue Eyes:

(first photo is a bit enhanced)


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Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Post by Marc van Arc »

Goodness, you have them 2 days and are able to shoot better pics than me in several years b-)
Very nice, not just for me but also for the Clog imho.

On a side note: I noticed the thread has passed 100,000 views and 2000 replies.
A big thanks to everybody involved! Let's do some more :d
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Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Post by Phyllonemus »

Very nice blue eyes.

Arjan, congatulations with the Trachelyopterus sp3.
They are great specimens, beuatiful pictures also.
Be proud to have thes in your collection.

Can somebody tell me about the growing rate of Tetranematichtys quadrifilus ?
And wat there life span will be ?
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Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Post by Marc van Arc »

Afaict, the T. spec. 3 are doing well at Kruseman's (after some initial struggling with 2 breeding pairs of Guianacara). As a result of this species leaving my tank, things have become even more quiet, thus allowing the tiny otorongos to show themselves and eat. Yesterday evening I saw 4 (out of 7), which looked and behaved fine.
The other auchenipterids have also very rapidly recovered from the overhaul and are quite visible, even with lights on. The Ageneiosus sp. 3 refuses to give up, but it's a sore sight to watch it become a shadow of itself.....
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Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Post by kruseman »

Marc van Arc wrote:Afaict, the T. spec. 3 are doing well at Kruseman's (after some initial struggling with 2 breeding pairs of Guianacara).

They show themselves only when it's pitchblack. During the day they hide in PVC-tubes and under bogwood.
Marc van Arc wrote:As a result of this species leaving my tank, things have become even more quiet, thus allowing the tiny otorongos to show themselves and eat.
Well, that's the other way around here. No otorongo's ( 3 in the main tank) to be seen during feedingtime...

Good to hear yours are doing well, Marc!
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Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Post by kruseman »

Tatia strigata and Spinipterus "otorongo" having a conversation by night

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Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Post by Phyllonemus »

Arjan, the otorongo and Tatia strigata are looking great.
When this picture is taken at night, hiw did you manage this picture quality ?
It looks like it's taken with the lights on.

Are Tetranematichtys fast or slow growers ?
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Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Post by Marc van Arc »

Phyllonemus wrote:@Marc, are Tetranematichtys fast or slow growers ?
As stated before - at least, I think I did - mine were already pretty large when I bought them, so I honestly can't tell you anything about that.
But as said on the Dutch forum, think twice. Getting Tetranematichthys demands changes in your current stock sooner or later.
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Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Post by kruseman »

Phyllonemus wrote:Arjan, the otorongo and Tatia strigata are looking great.
When this picture is taken at night, hiw did you manage this picture quality ?
It looks like it's taken with the lights on.

Are Tetranematichtys fast or slow growers ?
It's done with a normal camera . Not a fancy one with different lenses. Just a Canon with a red tracelight to spot the fish and a flashlight.

@ Tetranematichthys: The ones at the Utakastore in Amersfoort seem to grow quite fast.
One allready was about 10 cm when I saw it last saturday after having been fed fish every night.
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Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Post by Phyllonemus »

Marc van Arc wrote: But as said on the Dutch forum, think twice. Getting Tetranematichthys demands changes in your current stock sooner or later.
That's what I'm aware of Marc.
I don't intent to buy them it was just an informative question.
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Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Post by Bijn »



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Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Post by Phyllonemus »

Very cool Bijn.
Ageneiosus atronasus and Auchenipterus nigripinnis are two of my favorite Auchenipterids.
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Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Post by Marc van Arc »

According to the tail pattern that is no A. nigripinnis afaics.
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Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Post by Phyllonemus »

Marc van Arc wrote:According to the tail pattern that is no A. nigripinnis afaics.
But do you know wich specie it is instead Marc ?
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Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Post by Marc van Arc »

I'll have to look it up, but there seems to be too much black in the tail. But I may well be wrong; hence the afaics.
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Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Post by Marc van Arc »

Marc van Arc wrote:According to the tail pattern that is no A. nigripinnis afaics.
The afaics saves me here. In the picture the majority of the tail seems to be black, but I suppose it's the angle of the picture that confused me.
So I reckon this is indeed A. nigripinnis, and good to see it (them?) in such better shape than my former specimens (meaning: with barbels, without bruised mouths and kept at a proper temperature).
Very nice; same goes of course for the Ageneiosus.
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Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Post by kruseman »

The atronasus are real nice, Bijn!

My Trachelyopterus sp. 3 are still very, very reclusive.
They don't show themselves at all.
Even at feedingtime after the lights have gone out they don't show up.

I hope this changes

Believe it or not: One just swam by a cpule of times with lights on scratching itself a few times
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Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Post by wrasse »

I've done this a few times, but never caught it on film :d

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Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Post by Bijn »




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Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Post by wrasse »

Bijn, your photos are incredible. You've caught every detail in these mostly black fish... That's not easy.

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Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Post by Bijn »


I have a new cam and a lot of patience :D
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Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Post by nvcichlids »

wrasse wrote:I've done this a few times, but never caught it on film :d
What are you feeding it?
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Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Post by Jools »


You so need to write a Shane's World article on your food mix and just link to it in your signature!


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Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Post by nvcichlids »

I am always looking for new foods for my jag colony. The numbers were down this year when pulling them from the pond. We did have a major drought which they hadn't experienced before and maybe that affected them more than usual? I need to update my cats page on them. I believe we lost a total of 6 fish this summer and didn't find any young either which is a bummer :((
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Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Post by Martin S »

Does anyone know any more info on the Spinipterus sp. Leopard that Pier currently have available for sale? @Sojapat or @The.Dark.One?
They are not quite as striking as the Otorongos but I'm tempted by a small group of them and wondered if they are as difficult to sex as the Otorongos, and what sort of size they are?
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Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Post by Phyllonemus »

That photo looks like
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Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Post by Marc van Arc »

Sorry for not being @sojapat nor @dark.one, but unless someone will find it necessary to describe this as a third Spinipterus species due to the more visible dark stripe on the back, I'd also say this is
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Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Post by Martin S »

No offence intended Marc, I was only highlighting them as they would know what size they are now etc. But thanks, I did wonder if it was but wanted to be sure size wise etc. I might have to order a small group... :)
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