Will small aquarium snails harm cory eggs?

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Will small aquarium snails harm cory eggs?

Post by thedayawaits »

This week, with another cold morning, two mature females spawned, giving hundreds of eggs which I now have in a breeder box in the main tank.

Do I need to protect the eggs from the small (under 1 cm) aquarium snails which come onto the box from the side of the tank? They keep coming in through the gap in the breeder lid used for the airstone.
Will the small snails destroy the eggs, or simply keep them clean and fungus free?
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Joined: 02 Oct 2010, 01:33
Location 2: Kailua, HI

Re: Will small aquarium snails harm cory eggs?

Post by ErikO »

MTS should be OK and probably beneficial. Not sure about any of the other snails.
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