breeding syno. petricola?

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breeding syno. petricola?

Post by creep »

i have what i believe to be syno. petricola.

i am using the flower pot with a bowl of marbles.
however i want to put a layer of plastic and silicone it to the flower pot and drill holes in the plastic.

1. is this a good idea or should i just place the pot in the bowl of marbles.

2. how big should the holes be if this would be a good idea.

I will try to get some pics. i have a group of 5. not sure of the ratio.


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Re: breeding syno. petricola?

Post by creep »


sorry bout the horrible pictures, but can you tell if these are true petricola? also the largest is from head to tail 3 inches. There are 3 about that size, and i have 2 that are about 2 inches but have much rounder bellies. would these be the females.
Synodontis Lucipinnis
Albino bushy nose - breed
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Re: breeding syno. petricola?

Post by Birger »

but can you tell if these are true petricola?
Not the best images but I would say
Due to the wider spaced spots on the head and the larger spots on the body, what I can see of the window on the anal fin.

In the first picture the vertical fish is a male.

but have much rounder bellies. would these be the females.
Yes, most likely.

Did you do a forum search, there is a lot of information on these to be had?

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Re: breeding syno. petricola?

Post by creep »

i am poking around a bit. will do alot more research now.

thanks for the help.

i suspected they were lucipinnis when i got them. and i even said as much to the seller.
Synodontis Lucipinnis
Albino bushy nose - breed
L144 - breed
super reds
Aulonocara jacobfreibergi Otter point, Aulonocara albino Eureka red
3 X 55 gal. 1 X 40 gal. breeder. 2 X 10 gal. 1 X 29 gal. 1 X 35 gal.
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