what plec's are these

Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
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what plec's are these

Post by solvent123 »

hi i brought these fish a year ago, finking they was a certain fish, but as time goes on i am douting them, can people giv me there feed back on what they think they are.
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Re: what plec's are these

Post by Jools »

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Re: what plec's are these

Post by Richard B »

Jools wrote:.


Agreed (sometimes called L134)
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Re: what plec's are these

Post by solvent123 »

thx for ur reply, they was brought as l134, i have another 4 what are defntly l134's with the creeam white, theese ones i dout, they look like some of the l129's
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Re: what plec's are these

Post by panaque »

These are definitely what you bought them as. They are not L129 or any other Hypancistrus. are very variable in their pattern.
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Re: what plec's are these

Post by tagamasid1023 »

They are L134s. Just like the human fingerprint, no two patterns are absolutely alike. Some specimens are known to have spotted patterns. Anyway, the 2nd picture seems to be a female. :d
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