My two little gators and a FL gar - finally, pictures

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Viktor Jarikov
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My two little gators and a FL gar - finally, pictures

Post by Viktor Jarikov »

The gator gars "French" and "Baguette" have been with me for 3 years but never in a tank, until now. Hence, the photos.

Recently, they have been having a recurring external parasite problem living in an outside pond, so I had to treat, quarantine, and observe them. Unfortunately, the biggest available tank I have at the moment is 120 gal. The tank's 6' x 1.5', so my 2'9" TL gars (all three) are not very comfortable but taking it in strides... no hissy fits yet.

"French" and "Baguette" were ~1.5' three years ago when I rescued them in Buffalo, NY. I expected a faster growth but maybe I was wrong. The FL gar "Big Spotty" was caught locally a year ago. He was ~2' then.
small Pics off camera June 29 2012 074.jpg
small Pics off camera June 29 2012 068.jpg
small Pics off camera June 29 2012 059.jpg
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Re: My two little gators and a FL gar - finally, pictures

Post by Viktor Jarikov »

small Pics off camera June 29 2012 081.jpg
small Pics off camera June 29 2012 077.jpg
small Pics off camera June 29 2012 076.jpg
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Re: My two little gators and a FL gar - finally, pictures

Post by Viktor Jarikov »

small Pics off camera June 29 2012 089.jpg
small Pics off camera June 29 2012 086.jpg
small Pics off camera June 29 2012 084.jpg
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Re: My two little gators and a FL gar - finally, pictures

Post by har_eh »

Very interesting fish to keep. :YMDAYDREAM:
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Re: My two little gators and a FL gar - finally, pictures

Post by Scleropages »

It's probably no surprise I'm a big fan of primitive fish. As such, those are some lovely gar. What type of external parasite was the culprit? Gill flukes?

If you don't mind sharing, what's the story behind the rescue of the 'gator gars? Don't tell me it was some teenager who thought it would be cool (kewl?) to keep in them in a 55gal.
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Re: My two little gators and a FL gar - finally, pictures

Post by Viktor Jarikov »

Yep, I've got a soft spot for the primitive/prehistoric fish too big time.

What the parasites are I don't know. Looked like a white elongated body, a white thread/worm about 1/2" long (with much mucus hanging around them). Started little here and there when I stupidly put another wild-caught FL gar in their pond. In a week, their heads and snouts were covered with these parasites, some on fins, little on the main bodies. I had to go twice more salt than full marine (6% i.e., 6 g of NaCl per 94 g of water!) for 48 h to kill the suckers. After a month they came back a little, so another round of salt bath.

Trade-ins. Found them stuffed in a 100 gal at a couple of LFSs (which do sell the babies still).
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Re: My two little gators and a FL gar - finally, pictures

Post by bigbird »

nice looking fish. hope all is well soon and you can put back in the pond. cheers jk
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Re: My two little gators and a FL gar - finally, pictures

Post by rob rensen »

Sad to keep those fish in such a small tank, even for one gar.
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Re: My two little gators and a FL gar - finally, pictures

Post by Viktor Jarikov »

That's a too curt and therefore ambiguous comment. If you will, please explain what you are trying to say.

In case you are saying what I think you are saying: this was a necessary evil, so to speak - a 2-week treatment and quarantine routine. The gars have been back in their pond for 2 weeks now. ... =4&t=36531
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Re: My two little gators and a FL gar - finally, pictures

Post by rob rensen »

Ok, I didn't noticed that...I'm sorry
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Re: My two little gators and a FL gar - finally, pictures

Post by Viktor Jarikov »

No harm done, brother. I try my best at keeping big fish. Ever since I had rescued them, the gars spent 2 years in a 4000 gal pond 40'x6'x3' ... et+catfish. Then 1 year (til present) in an about 600 gal outdoor pond, awaiting their 4500 gal 13'x13'x4.5' display tank ... lit=+blues. I had never had them in a tank until these 2 weeks I mentioned - an opportunity for pics other than dorsal view.
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