Once again, some amazing species available, some for the first time ever in the UK (or anywhere else!).
Here are some of the newbies, and a couple from recent shipments - please note some of the IDs are mine so if they are wrong, don't berate the shop!
Nemadoras hemipeltis?
Hemidoras morrisi?
Brochis cf multiradiatus - very green and even more sharp nosed
Xyliphius melanopterus !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pseudohemiodon apithanos
Corydoras CW006
Corydoras C052
Panaqolus sp Mazan
Corydoras CW016
Trachelyichthys exilis
Peckoltia L202 - posing on a bridge!
HUGE Baryancistrus
Ageneiosus sp
Peckoltia L288
And last but certainly not least Spinipterus sp1 - Otorongo - Finally in my possession! (Please note several of these are reserved)