Leptoglaninae Request

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Leptoglaninae Request

Post by Bathycetopsis »

Please can you send me new latin names of catfishes from this two works ?

Roberts, TR. 2003. Systematics and osteology of Leptoglaninae, a new subfamily of the African catfish family Amphiliidae, with descriptions of three new genera and six new species. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, 54(1-8): 81-132.

Ps: I need this works, have somebody pdf of this article ? (Leptoglaninae)

Norris, S. M., 2002. A revision of the African electric catfishes, family Malapteruridae (Teleostei, Siluriformes), with erection of fourteen new species, and an annotated bibliography. Annales du Musee royal de l'Afrique Centrale. Sciences Zoologiques, 289: 1-155.

Thank you
[email protected]
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Post by Silurus »

Norris, S. M., 2002. A revision of the African electric catfishes, family Malapteruridae (Teleostei, Siluriformes), with erection of fourteen new species, and an annotated bibliography. Annales du Musee royal de l'Afrique Centrale. Sciences Zoologiques, 289: 1-155.
Malapterurus barbatus
M. gossei
M. melanochir
M. murrayi
M. occidentalis
M. polli
M. punctatus
M. stiassnyae
M. teugelsi
M. thysi
M. zambezensis
Paradoxoglanis caudivittatus
P. cryptus
P. parvus
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Post by Silurus »

Roberts, TR. 2003. Systematics and osteology of Leptoglaninae, a new subfamily of the African catfish family Amphiliidae, with descriptions of three new genera and six new species. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, 54 ( 1-8 ): 1-132.
"Dolichamphilius" longiceps
Psammphiletria delicata
P. nasuta
Tetracamphilius pectinatus
T. clandestinus
Zaireichthys heterurus

The publication is available for sale from the publications department of the California Academy of Sciences.
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Post by Mika »

Norris, S. M., 2002. A revision of the African electric catfishes, family Malapteruridae (Teleostei, Siluriformes), with erection of fourteen new species, and an annotated bibliography. Annales du Musee royal de l'Afrique Centrale. Sciences Zoologiques, 289: 1-155.
Can this be purchased from somewhere?
Well i wish i was a catfish
swimmin in a oh, deep, blue sea (Muddy Waters, Catfish blues)
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Post by Jools »

I have edited the title of this topic as it's orginal title, "request" was pretty useless / non-specific etc...

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