C.Habrosus species only 20gal long build

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C.Habrosus species only 20gal long build

Post by demonspawn »

I would like advice from members who have or has had c.habrosus in the past. As the title states I'd like to setup a 20gal long and would like to know some basics like...
1. How many would be the optimal amount for a 20long? (Footprint is 12"×30")
2. Optimal water parameters. Ph? Temp? Gh/kh? Lighting?
3. Decor? Ideas on a biotopelike setting. Species of plants and dw/bogwood?
4. Substrate?
5. I want this to be one of a kind and any input is greatly appreciated:) last but not least.
6.Acquiring of healthy stock. I need referrals. :YMDEVIL:
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Re: C.Habrosus species only 20gal long build

Post by apistomaster »

The water only needs to be kept clean. The chemistry is not too important although avoid extremely hard water.
Temps between 75*F and 80*F seem to suit them well.
Provide plenty of Hornwort or Java Moss but do leave enough open swimming and bottom space: at least 50/50.
The use of power filtration with intakes screened to prevent fry loss is helpful as is using an air stone to help maintain high dissolved O2.
Use plenty of live worms; Grindal worms are ideal and are easily cultured. Newly hatched brine shrimp fed daily also helps and should be done anyway so the fry have an abundant supply of food.
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Re: C.Habrosus species only 20gal long build

Post by Vess »

apistomaster wrote:The water only needs to be kept clean. The chemistry is not too important although avoid extremely hard water.
Temps between 75*F and 80*F seem to suit them well.
Provide plenty of Hornwort or Java Moss but do leave enough open swimming and bottom space: at least 50/50.
The use of power filtration with intakes screened to prevent fry loss is helpful as is using an air stone to help maintain high dissolved O2.
Use plenty of live worms; Grindal worms are ideal and are easily cultured. Newly hatched brine shrimp fed daily also helps and should be done anyway so the fry have an abundant supply of food.
I used your media noodle trick and it worked a treat so just wanted to say thank you!
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Re: C.Habrosus species only 20gal long build

Post by apistomaster »

That "hollow ceramic biomedia" tactic really does help increase larval survival. I forgot to mention that.
I'm please but not surprised that they worked for you.
I use the same "trick" when growing out Apistogramma fry. Among those fish, aggression between the larger fry, which are probably males, is greatly reduced by providing non-line of sight hiding places for the young fry.
We can't sex juvenile Apistos but I am convinced that they can tell the difference and males begin to dominate at very early on in their development. It has helped me obtain a more balanced sex ratio than when Apisto fry are raised without individual hides. I think it helps explain the commonly reported skewed sex ratios resulting in an excess of males. I'm sure there are other contributing factors such as incubation temps and pH but providing plenty of hiding places by using the hollow media can be helpful when raising many disparate species from dwarf Corys, Apistos, Sturisoma to Killiefish.
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Re: C.Habrosus species only 20gal long build

Post by demonspawn »

The hollow ceramic biomedia as fry protection is a genius move! I'll definately give it a go. I have plenty of hygrophila stricta and java fern. Would those work? Does anyone know where to acquire :YMDEVIL: good stock?
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Re: C.Habrosus species only 20gal long build

Post by apistomaster »

Java Moss not Java Fern provides good spawning substrate.
I also use Ceratophyllum.
I order my plants from www.aquariumplants.com.
Avid Trout fly fisherman. ·´¯`·...¸><)))º>
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