Pls help me Sexing My L14

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Pls help me Sexing My L14

Post by ryuki »

hey guys...

i have 3 L14 7-8" can u help me sexing them?

this 2 i think they are female..

this when they both still 6"

and this 1 it looks like male...

am i right?

btw what size L14 can be breed??

thanks before :hi:
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Re: Pls help me Sexing My L14

Post by Barbie »

I have been told a few times that these fish need to be vented for accurate sexing. I have 2 over a foot, 2 8" and another that is 7". If you could get some vent pictures, I will be very interested to see the responses. To my knowledge, these have not been commercially bred, but I do not know if anyone has ever spawned them in captivity. I heard a report of it, but did not see documentation or pictures.

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Re: Pls help me Sexing My L14

Post by FrankNL »

Based on the headshapes the first 2 could be female and the last one male. But you should let them grow a little bit more and then decide.

Barbie: These fish have been spawned, pictures are in the cat-elog.
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Re: Pls help me Sexing My L14

Post by Barbie »

Perfect! It's obviously been a couple years since I looked for more information on them! I just throw them food and change water and tell them someday I'll get around to working with them ;). The system is officially up and running at the store now so the time will be soon for me to have a venting extravaganza around here!

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Re: Pls help me Sexing My L14

Post by ryuki »

hey thanks for ur response...

yes someone from indonesia already succesful breed them. and i know they all still too small to breed, just curious with their sex.. :D
btw in the breeding log, there is no info about the size when this fish ready to breed. there's only written that the fish already adult.. what size do you think they ready to breed? 10" ??

about the vent pic maybe next time i catch them, i will give u their vent pics barbie :)
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Re: Pls help me Sexing My L14

Post by ryuki »

Barbie wrote:I have been told a few times that these fish need to be vented for accurate sexing. I have 2 over a foot, 2 8" and another that is 7". If you could get some vent pictures, I will be very interested to see the responses. To my knowledge, these have not been commercially bred, but I do not know if anyone has ever spawned them in captivity. I heard a report of it, but did not see documentation or pictures.


do you have picture of them? i try to find ur post, but i cant find them... :(
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Re: Pls help me Sexing My L14

Post by Bellenz »

I think you have two females and one male. I see them from the head shapes. But wait a little longer, than you can see much better. The males in my breeding tank are around 28-30 cm total length and the females are less smaller (24-26 cm).
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Re: Pls help me Sexing My L14

Post by ryuki »

Bellenz wrote:Hi
I think you have two females and one male. I see them from the head shapes. But wait a little longer, than you can see much better. The males in my breeding tank are around 28-30 cm total length and the females are less smaller (24-26 cm).

whoaaa.. 28-30? still long way to go... btw i see ur video about L14 and the eggs... awesome! ur my inspiration! ^:)^

thanks for the response
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