good fish?

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fish 4 life
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good fish?

Post by fish 4 life »

Hey so I have a 20 gallon tank with two pangasius cats. I am going to be returning on of them because he is acting strange (lays on this side swims weird does not eat ect.) so I was think about getting a small shoal of clown loachs.. How many could I fit in my 20 gallon with my pangasius? I was also think about a red tailed shark are They to aggressive? The tank is a grow out tank so don't worry about size to much I will be upgrading as needed...

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Re: good fish?

Post by Suckermouth »

As far as keeping clown loaches, a 20 gallon isn't large enough for more than a few small ones. I see mid-sized and larger clown loaches for sale at times and these should be kept in at least a 40 or 55 gallon tank. Clown loaches eventually will grow to a size where a 125 or 150 gallon tank should be the absolute minimum. Clown loaches are notoriously slow growing but I'd rather not risk stunting them.

You will not find many experienced aquarists who will recommend obtaining fish with the promise to upgrade later. If you can upgrade as needed, why not get the large tank now? A large tank is a significant investment and if you cannot afford one now, then it is better to simply wait on keeping these larger types of fish. There are plenty of large species I'd love to own one day, but I do not have the space or funds. Also, there are plenty of small fish that do just fine in a 20 gallon, including some smaller species of loaches such as the dwarf chain loach, that are much better alternatives to the relatively large clown loach.
- Milton Tan
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Re: good fish?

Post by Scleropages »

Sorry, your tank is too small for keeping clown loaches. There are many smaller loach species that would be appropriate for a 20gal tank. I highly recommend checking out for ideas.
fish 4 life
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Re: good fish?

Post by fish 4 life »

I know a 20 gallon is to small... And i will be upgrading it as needed.. As for the fact of why dont i have the bit tank right now? well my parents say "we dont have room" but if i grow a fish out and the tank becomes to small they will upgrade it...

So what are other options for my 20 gallon tank?
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Re: good fish?

Post by Alx85chi »

Lol forget about the clown loaches u have 2 ID sharks in a 20 gallon tank? That's wrong on soo many levels do you have the slightest idea how huge panguasis get? You need a minimum 60 gallon for a small one and you have a 20 gallon? take them both back and get yourself some mollies for that baby tank.
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Re: good fish?

Post by Bas Pels »

I think in the last 6 months the owner will have found that out himself

The topic is rather ancient
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