South America tank Frank (1440 litres)

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South America tank Frank (1440 litres)

Post by FrankvdB »

Yo.. here some pictures and info about my display tank in the livingroom..
size of the tank is 190cm long, 95 cm depth and 80 cm hight ^:)^ its a south america tank with no plants and some sucky sucky fish in it :YMDEVIL:

Filtration is through a sump, 200 litres with a 3000 litres/hour pomp and 2x 300 watt heaters, my lights are pretty nice i think... this tank is fully lighted by RGB Led units specially made fot aquarium`s, its controlled by a computer and i have every morning a sunrise and in the evening the "sun" goes under aswell.

Fish in this tank:

9x Pt. Eimekei
11x Biotodoma Cupido sp rio Nanay
some apistogramma species (nijsseni, trifaciata, bitaeniata)
5x L123
8x L333 sp Xingu
1x L46
1x L200 Highfin
1x L018 XXXL (about 25 cm and very massive.. i like this fish very much)

Here some pictures of my beloved fish:







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Re: South America tank Frank (1440 litres)

Post by FrankvdB »

forgot some full tank shots



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Re: South America tank Frank (1440 litres)

Post by Richard B »

That is a cool looking tank :-BD
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Re: South America tank Frank (1440 litres)

Post by FrankvdB »

Thanks, its what i see if i turn myself around now haha :d
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Re: South America tank Frank (1440 litres)

Post by HaakonH »

Now THAT'S my kind of fishtank :D Can I come visit and have a beer?

Tell me more about those RGB Led units, do you have a link?

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Re: South America tank Frank (1440 litres)

Post by FrankvdB »

Haha Tnx Haakon!! took a long time to think... but in the end it became a tank without plants and only wood (ive got some floating plants only..) where i could hold my catfish in, whatever species i like without watching them eat plants lol, like the L200... Youre welcome anytime b-) only a bit of a trip from norway to the netherlands, but still youre welcome :d

What u wanna know about the units? it are aluminum unit`s with RGB led`s wich are potted in so there waterproof (IP68). fully controllable by a little computer where i put some steps in and so i make a cyclus of 24 hours wich plays and goes on and on every day. every unit (97 cm) uses by full power 11.4 watt, but i have them not on full power, maybe 70% or something.

Link from the seller, wich is a dutch little company:

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Re: South America tank Frank (1440 litres)

Post by wrasse »

That's a lovely tank.

The biotodoma are stunning. It's one of those fish that can look bland in a shop, but once settled and in a group like this, they look great.

What temp is the water? I think all your fish are warm-water lovers, apart from L123 maybe.
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Re: South America tank Frank (1440 litres)

Post by MattP »

Stunning fish and display tank!!

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Re: South America tank Frank (1440 litres)

Post by FrankvdB »

Tnx wrasse :-BD and yes you got that right, this kind of fish need also a little bit of time before the color and shape turns into a nice proportion.
Couples are hard to select, sex young fish is impossible by this species, thats why buying a group is best, the bigger the group (sure the tank has to allow it) the better the fish react. Ive got 11 of them now, and every day there beautifull and with some species i was bored pretty fast of some but the colours and het character of this Cupidos is really cool.

Tnx Matt
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Re: South America tank Frank (1440 litres)

Post by corybrummie2010 »

Wow! fantastic photo of your fish and tank,thank you for sharing :-BD
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Re: South America tank Frank (1440 litres)

Post by DutchFry »

I love these kind of tanks, glad to see more and more people in Holland adopting this style of decorating a tank.

I have to admit i find the choice for angels and Baryancistrus together in one tank a bit odd. I would imagine the Bary to love a fair bit of current whilst the angels would hate it. Do you notice anything in the Baryancistrus' behaviour? As i think to see from the pics your tank hasn't got that much current, right?
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Re: South America tank Frank (1440 litres)

Post by unblinded »

Gorgeous tank. Love the Apisto Nijsseni. I haven't seen that one before.
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Re: South America tank Frank (1440 litres)

Post by FrankvdB »

tnx all :) The apisto is not a very rare one, but nice it is indeed :D

@ Dutchfry, tnx... i do have some current in the tank :) the nugget seems to like the tank and its interior, hes got a nice full belly and comes every evening to the front to claim his food. The Pterophyllum sp. like the current aswell, they loveto hang in it :D
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Re: South America tank Frank (1440 litres)

Post by Matt30 »

Mate nice tank, I like your light set up Sun rise and sun set good idea !
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Re: South America tank Frank (1440 litres)

Post by glenny »

Frank, thanks for sharing your stunning tank and pics here on Planetcatfish!Very good! :-BD
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Re: South America tank Frank (1440 litres)

Post by Lloydy »

I'm very jealous of this tank!

How much effort is it to do big water changes? I assume you have a system setup to add/remove water, rather than moving around large buckets of water? :)

Also you mention a 3000 l/hr pump for the sump. I assume you have other pumps, powerheads, etc in the tank, or do you just have a very low flow throughout the tank?
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