What is this adorable corydoras-looking thing?

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What is this adorable corydoras-looking thing?

Post by Gsneufeld »

Hello, this is my first post, but I've been lurking and reading for a while, great job PC crew! I was online browsing when I spotted this adorable fellow in a picture. I decided I must have it, but can't figure out what it is. It's the picture near the end of the article, under the heading 'Temperature', under the pic is a caption saying ''Everyone scrounging for pellets''. The one I'm referring to is at the bottom of the picture.
P.s. Apologies in advance for the link, I've got no computer atm and mobile phone won't let me download pics.

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Re: What is this adorable corydoras-looking thing?

Post by Jools »

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What is this adorable corydoras-looking thing?

Post by Gsneufeld »

Ah, sorry, I should have been more specific, I meant the one that isn't a Megalechis thoracata, it's sitting looking at the camera with great big eyes, right at the glass, with a bunch of M. thoracata and angelfish in the background, and has a stripe on it's head.
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What is this adorable corydoras-looking thing?

Post by Gsneufeld »

Eighth picture from the top. The little fellow with the red eyes.
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Re: What is this adorable corydoras-looking thing?

Post by Sfamnun »

That would be a - a ram cichlid. They are definitely adorable, but not so -like, I'm afraid.
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What is this adorable corydoras-looking thing?

Post by Gsneufeld »

Ohhhhhhhh... Now that you mention it, those markings do look distinctly ram-ish... Oh man, that is real embarrassing. :ymblushing: I was so sure that was some kind of cat! Heh, I was thinking of the cory body shape... Oh man! There I was thinking there was a tiny blue and yellow catfish... :ymblushing:
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Re: What is this adorable corydoras-looking thing?

Post by Marc van Arc »

Never mind. These would have made very nice Corys anyway :d
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Re: What is this adorable corydoras-looking thing?

Post by Mike_Noren »

Sfamnun wrote:That would be a - a ram cichlid. They are definitely adorable, but not so -like, I'm afraid.
Mikrogeophagus, otherwise correct.
-- Disclaimer: All I write is strictly my personal and frequently uninformed opinion, I do not speak for the Swedish Museum of Natural History or FishBase! --
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Re: What is this adorable corydoras-looking thing?

Post by Sfamnun »

No worries, Gsneufeld, it happens!
Marc van Arc wrote:Never mind. These would have made very nice Corys anyway :d
Yes, they would have! I sure wouldn't mind keeping some. Might be something for the fantasy catfish league page! :)
Mike_Noren wrote: Mikrogeophagus, otherwise correct.
Thanks for the correction! :)
I've seen it spelled with a K many times - but not being a cichlid expert in any way, I decided to use Aquatic Republic's spelling.
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Re: What is this adorable corydoras-looking thing?

Post by Mike_Noren »

Sfamnun wrote: I've seen it spelled with a K many times - but not being a cichlid expert in any way, I decided to use Aquatic Republic's spelling.
Yes, it's a very common error.

For a frighteningly thorough treatment of subject, see: Nomenclatural availability of putative scientific generic names applied to the South American cichlid fish Apistogramma ramirezi Myers & Harry, 1948 (Teleostei: Cichlidae) (pdf).
-- Disclaimer: All I write is strictly my personal and frequently uninformed opinion, I do not speak for the Swedish Museum of Natural History or FishBase! --
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Re: What is this adorable corydoras-looking thing?

Post by Jools »

Sfamnun wrote:I decided to use Aquatic Republic's spelling.
Thanks indeed for the correction, it's been changed on AR too.


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