Peckoltia compta parasite/battle scars?

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Peckoltia compta parasite/battle scars?

Post by Melander »

Hi fellow cat lovers,

I’m here for advice again as one of my P. Compta is exhibiting whiteish marks that seems to respect the litmit of its black markings close to its head region. When looking at the close up photo there also seems to be tiny black spots in the middle of the affected area. Having searched here and on google I could not find something similar to compare too.



I have had the fish for almost a year and a half and I have seen this before on a smaller scale. I thought it derived from fighting but after looking at my own photo it looks like something else.

The fish was never treated for parasites and I wonder if this could be it; it does not look like Chilodonella to me.

The fish is kept in a 144 litre with another male and a large female Ancistrus and I have seen the two males fight a couple of times.

Water changes are being done once per week at roughly 20%.

The readings are:
pH: 7
temperature: 25 (I know it’s a bit on the low side and it will be raised when the cories move out)
Ammo: 0
Nitrates: 0
Nitrites: 0

I would be grateful for any advice!

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Re: Peckoltia compta parasite/battle scars?

Post by pleco_breeder »

I've only had my group less than two weeks, and no prior experience with the species. However, I did notice when they first arrived that the outline of their markings are distinctly darker and appeared as two different colors. Once they settled, and weren't so stressed, the markings didn't look so much like they were outlined because the center portion darkened to the same color.

It is possible that this fish happened to get scarred only in the center area of the banding, but highly unlikely. To me, this just looks like a mildly stressed fish, and will likely return to normal pattern in a short time once the stress is gone. Keep a close eye on it, and hopefully it will return to normal once the source of the stress is gone.

Impossible only means that somebody hasn't done it correctly yet.
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Re: Peckoltia compta parasite/battle scars?

Post by Melander »

@Larry: Thank you very much for your input. I really hope this is the case. I have been collecting cory eggs in the tank the last couple of weeks which could be the source of stress.

I forgot to mention that the fish behaves normally, it feeds, guards its cave, fans etc..

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Re: Peckoltia compta parasite/battle scars?

Post by davej »

Looks to be damage due to fighting. I see it quite often on my breeding colony, large white patches on there sides. On mine its usually on either side of the body below the dorsal fin. It clears up in time. The dark spots may be the dark colored cells starting to regrow in that area.
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Re: Peckoltia compta parasite/battle scars?

Post by Melander »

@davej: thank you for the reply, It somehow took some time for me to see it.

This fish has recovered since I first posted, there are only very small white patches left now.

I appreciate both opinions and think it could be either.

I have covered one short side of the tank(the territory of this fish), and the area is now much darker and hopefully less stressfull for the fish which supports Larry's theory.

On the other hand fights have occured between this fish and another male and its wounds might just have healed like davej said.

Either.way im very happy that it seem to have recovered.

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