I’m here for advice again as one of my P. Compta is exhibiting whiteish marks that seems to respect the litmit of its black markings close to its head region. When looking at the close up photo there also seems to be tiny black spots in the middle of the affected area. Having searched here and on google I could not find something similar to compare too.
I have had the fish for almost a year and a half and I have seen this before on a smaller scale. I thought it derived from fighting but after looking at my own photo it looks like something else.
The fish was never treated for parasites and I wonder if this could be it; it does not look like Chilodonella to me.
The fish is kept in a 144 litre with another male and a large female Ancistrus and I have seen the two males fight a couple of times.
Water changes are being done once per week at roughly 20%.
The readings are:
pH: 7
temperature: 25 (I know it’s a bit on the low side and it will be raised when the cories move out)
Ammo: 0
Nitrates: 0
Nitrites: 0
I would be grateful for any advice!