Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
Interests: Sim racing; cycling (ideally not into the back of stationary dustbin lorries located on blind sweeping bends in wet weather, with rim brakes like chocolate teapots)
Definitely a Scleromystax, probably barbatus. I would suggest the only way to know they are kronei is if you know the origin of the fish, either which part of Brazil or who was the breeder. Adults of the two species are very similar and juvenilles are impossible to tell apart.
I see from your fish list you have macropterus. A very rarely available Scleromystax. Are there breeders in the U.S or are these wild caught in orgin? I think we all know they are banned from export but they do crop up from time to time.
Interests: African catfishes and oddballs, Madagascar cichlids; stoner doom and heavy rock; old school choppers and riding them, fantasy novels, travelling and diving in the tropics and all things nature.
you are aware that species like trilineatus and especially leucomelas can handle and appreciate warmer water, but this barbatus should be kept at room temperature in a non heated tank?
they can handle warmth, but to keep em in shape they should have a cool or cold period of several months a year