Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
Hi all.
Can anyone id this one for me? Thought at first it was Hexanematichthys seemanni, but number of whiskers & it appears to be nocturnal is making me think otherwise. I have had it just under a week now, was in the shop where i bought it for nearly two years. It was bought in by a customer, as it out grew the tank.
Sorry for the poor pics. Fish is close to 8" long.
Last edited by johnnyev on 06 Apr 2012, 10:24, edited 1 time in total.
The fact that it's kept in a freshwater tank (and was returned to the shop in the first place) and fairly large in itself indicates that the ID is wrong. To me, it looks like a north american cafish.
Cheers Matt.
Yes i'm pretty sure its not seemanni either. There was another one in the shop too, bought in at the same time, by the same customer. Although this one had a slightly different shaped dorsal & was bigger, a good 10". Unfortunately the staff in the shop (small aquatics shop in a garden center) had no knowledge of the fishes i.d. Also the tank was quite high up & the cat was reluctant to come out of the piece of pipe it was hiding in, so didn't get a really close look. Judging by the overall condition of both fish i would say they are fairly old. Although the small tanks they've lived in for past two years probably haven't helped. After doing some research i first thought Ameiurus melas, but i have ruled this out, as the tail is all wrong.
Interests: African catfishes and oddballs, Madagascar cichlids; stoner doom and heavy rock; old school choppers and riding them, fantasy novels, travelling and diving in the tropics and all things nature.
Looks like a mystus to me. The size is right too. M. gulio vary in appearance more than an average species. I hope Silurus, Shovelnose, The.Dark.One and Co. would catch that.
Birger wrote:A full body shot of an adult would be a good addition for the Cat-eLog so people can see what they grow into.
Would it be possible to submit one??
Sorry was that a request to myself? If so i'll see what i can do, not the best at taking pics.