Badis spira, anyone know anything about them>

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Badis spira, anyone know anything about them>

Post by nvcichlids »

A friend from my local fish club has Badis spira on a list of fish he is considering bringing in. I have never heard of them nor seen pictures. Does anyone know anything about them? Size, water requirements, tank size, PICTURES?? lol, and tankmate possibilities (freshwater pipefish or pea puffers, would either work?)

Thanks guys,

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Re: Badis spira, anyone know anything about them>

Post by racoll »

There is no such fish. Google reveals nothing.

Closest is Badis singenensis.
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Re: Badis spira, anyone know anything about them>

Post by Birger »

It would be a real stretch on the name but here Spencer has , and an undescribed species
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Re: Badis spira, anyone know anything about them>

Post by Dave_CF »

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Re: Badis spira, anyone know anything about them>

Post by Shovelnose »

I think Spira ( Correct spelling = Shipra) refers to a part of the Buxar Tiger Reserve. Some of the other badid fish in the link posted by Dave_CF are similarly named. Garo (Badis Garo) and Buxar (Badis Buxar) are all locations in north east India. Garo in all probability refers to the Garo Hills in Meghalaya and Buxar, to the Buxar Tiger Reserve.

None of these are valid species IFIRC. Although Badis sp. Buxar could be B.singenensis.

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