L number listings

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L number listings

Post by MERLIN2 »

This site contains listings for the above. If you compare it to Aqualog there are several numbers missing. Is this because Aqualog are incorrect or have some numbers been reclassified and consequently they no longer exist.

Many thanks
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Post by Yann »

Hi Merlin2

No if there are "holes" in the list here In PC, it is just because Jools has not received or found a pic of it.
Still some L number has been reclassified but usually their old number has been already taken by another Loricariids. You will also noticed that several species do have more than just one L#. It is because this species is widly represent in many rivers!!!

I can also point to people that have digital camera, not to forget to bring it with them when they go into shop, you might find a rare one or a common with stange colouration!!!
Take a pic and get it here!!!
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