Algae eater for brackish tank?

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Algae eater for brackish tank?

Post by Sara1210 »

Hi guys,

I'm not sure where this thread should go so feel free to move it :ymblushing:

I've started noticing a brown algae in my tank. After reading up online it sounds like its just cause its a fairly new tank but I was wondering if there are any algae eaters I could get for my brackish set up.
I love the common plec but don't like the idea of cleaning up all that poo constantly lol in my local store they have chocolate zebra plecs but again I think the poo situation would be the same!

So can you guys recommend an algae eater for me. I have my 3 colombian sharks, a siamese tiger fish and 2 silver monos who all get on really well so I don't want to put anything in there that might upset the atmosphere. Any suggestions would be really appreciated :d
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Re: Algae eater for brackish tank?

Post by Mike_Noren »

Zebra snails (Neritina spp).
-- Disclaimer: All I write is strictly my personal and frequently uninformed opinion, I do not speak for the Swedish Museum of Natural History or FishBase! --
Lee A.
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Re: Algae eater for brackish tank?

Post by Lee A. »

Nerite snails do a terrific job of eating algae in my tanks. I have different kinds of Nerites: Olive, Green Tiger, and Red Lady Tiger. I must say, however, that the Olives do the best job. In your brackish tank they will probably breed like mad things. I like to keep about 1 Nerite per gallon of water.
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