Oxydoras Niger in the 1200

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Oxydoras Niger in the 1200

Post by TheFishGuy »

I meant to do this last month but forgot.

While working in Pittsburgh I stopped into a local fish store and noticed a young skinny Oxydoras Niger and thought to myself... Huh, I don't think I've ever seen one of these for sale before... Knowing that they get 30" or better I thought it was probaby good that I don't see them for sale. Since it's been a while having a large impressive fish in my 1200 I decided to pick him up.

When I brought him home on 11-27-11 I put him in a 29 gallon tank for quaranteen for a week or so. He was not happy.

After his stint in quaranteen I reluctantly put him into the big tank. I was a bit worried about his size but confident that if I did a 50% water change on the 1200 right before lights out that he'd be ok. He was about 5" at the time. That was 12-3-11.

On the 18th of December my son and I saw him for the first time since his release.

Since then he consistently comes out for food which gives us the opportunity to see him and see how big he's gotten. This video was shot yesterday:

I'll try and remember to shoot and post a monthly video to chart his growth... :)

Enjoy. :)


[Mod edit: Add youtube tags instead of links to Youtube. --Mats]
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Re: Oxydoras Niger in the 1200

Post by TheFishGuy »

Not sure how to do that... Lol
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Re: Oxydoras Niger in the 1200

Post by MatsP »

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Re: Oxydoras Niger in the 1200

Post by TheFishGuy »

Cool, I think I've got it now...
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Re: Oxydoras Niger in the 1200

Post by Viktor Jarikov »

Hey, Jonathan. Good to see you are still doing your tricks. Cute story. I am so glad the lil' guy rebounded. It looks like he already put on some length and definitely some girth. So glad to see success... after a bad streak of my own failures.

In my hands, they are slow growers, my 3-4" ones used to add on maybe 2-3" a year. 1-footers - maybe 3-4" a year. 2-footers - maybe 2-3" a year.

Surely, remember to bring updates maybe twice a year.

Trust all is well with the family.

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Re: Oxydoras Niger in the 1200

Post by TheFishGuy »

Everyone's doing great here! Thanks for asking! How's things in your new digs?
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Re: Oxydoras Niger in the 1200

Post by bigamefish »

amazing fish! amazing tank! thanks for posting! keep the videos coming!
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Re: Oxydoras Niger in the 1200

Post by TheFishGuy »

Ok, attempting the youtube "tags" LOL I'm so computer illiterate...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSRTvkWi ... ature=plcp
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Re: Oxydoras Niger in the 1200

Post by TheFishGuy »

Video was shot a couple of days ago...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_WHwk1f ... ature=plcp

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