Sandee | Sent from my iPhone!
Totally agreesidguppy wrote:not a multi!
probably a petricola/lucipinnis; the lead dorsal spine has a white tip and it's too elongated for a multi already; baby multi's tend to be highbuilt with a triangular dorsal.
I can't see too clearly but the fish bottom right corner (on the right of the Petricola) looks like Lucipinnis.Sandee wrote:
Must be a Petricola, never had a Lucipinnis!
That's very generous of you. I must admit I'm not a fan of them at all and I would never give them any fish without getting something in return. While I stop in a couple times a year or so for ideas, I haven't bought anything from them since they were known as Aquatropics. It's a very clean shop and they have quite an extensive collection of fresh and salt water fish, but I'm put off by the arrogant attitudes I usually encounter there as well as the rip-off prices.Sandee wrote:BTW. I'm a big fan of Absolutely Fish, as a matter of fact - I gave them my Decorus and a few others, a dozen or so Cichlids too.