Corydoras Eques Breeding and Young

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Corydoras Eques Breeding and Young

Post by RobHarrison »

Well back in January i had a couple of surprise Eques Spawnings, the first was 30 eggs but unfortunatly all turned white and were duds :( a few days later i found more and collected 17 eggs most were white and unfertilised but 5 seemed to be good, over the next few days 3 of them hatched ok, one hatched 24hours later but soon died and the last egg failed to hatch. The young have come on really well and here is a photo of them now at 14 days old.


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Re: Corydoras Eques Breeding and Young

Post by RobHarrison »

Well the Young Corydoras Eques are changing everyday now there really coming on and are looking more like Eques, heres a photo of them from today for you to see.

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Re: Corydoras Eques Breeding and Young

Post by dconnors »

Beautiful fry! Congratulations on the spawn! :-BD
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Re: Corydoras Eques Breeding and Young

Post by christiansen »

Congrats for spawing and rearing of the fry . are on my sought list for some while . unfortunely they are not available here , maybe in the future.
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Re: Corydoras Eques Breeding and Young

Post by RobHarrison »

I came home on Sunday after the CSG Auction to find lots of Corydoras Eques eggs, collected them last night and I had around 120 decent eggs, this morning all seem to of hatched and I have a fry saver full of day old fry :)
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Re: Corydoras Eques Breeding and Young

Post by Vlacek »

Rob, first of all congrats to nice corries and to amazing number of them in newly hatched batch! Have a question - what do you feed them with from very beginning please?
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Re: Corydoras Eques Breeding and Young

Post by RobHarrison »

From the beginning I feed frozen red rotifer then adding bbs and later including a fry granular food to there diet as they progress. They seem to grow very quickly I'll prob need to set up another tank if they keep on breeding!
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Re: Corydoras Eques Breeding and Young

Post by dconnors »

Very nice! How many adults do you have in your breeding group? Do you care to share your water parameters? Beautiful cories, congrats!
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Re: Corydoras Eques Breeding and Young

Post by RobHarrison »

I have 7 wild caught adults in my group 3 females and 4 males, ph 7 , TDS 186 I do weekly cold water changes of HMA water the TDS of that is 115 the water change is of 50%. Since having the Eques (oct 2011) I have noticed that they really do enjoy fast flowing water there often swimming in the current this is also where they tend to lay there eggs, I have a good photo from the 100+ egg spawn to show that the majority of eggs are laid in the fast flowing water. Filtration wise I have a Eheim Aquaball 130 and a Eheim 2213 filter both 600lph and both with Venturi device fitted. House mates include a group of L260 plecos and a few rabbit snails, substrate is fine pea gravel, clay caves and bogwood temp of 27c. Hope that gives you enough info, any questions just ask.

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Re: Corydoras Eques Breeding and Young

Post by dconnors »

Thanks Rob, good info! Do they have a particular food that they go crazy for?
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Re: Corydoras Eques Breeding and Young

Post by RobHarrison »

I feed them twice a day a variation of... New Era Catfish Pellets, BCUK Bloodworm pellets, Tetra Prima, Frozen Bloodworm, Frozen Rotifers, Frozen Lobster Eggs and BBS
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Re: Corydoras Eques Breeding and Young

Post by soltarii007 »

Any full tank shots?
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Re: Corydoras Eques Breeding and Young

Post by RIPbiglad »

What brand are the Red Rotifers Rob please?
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Re: Corydoras Eques Breeding and Young

Post by RobHarrison »

I have a photo of the tank set up here for you and one that shows where they lay the eggs, sorry the photo quality isnt the best, one was taken on my iphone.



The Frozen Red Rottifers i get are branded Gamma there mainly for marine life but are also very good for tropical fish an great for fry

hope this helps
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Re: Corydoras Eques Breeding and Young

Post by Jake Adams »

I suspect that your "red rotifers" are actually the red copepods which are a very popular marine fish food, most often sold as CyclopEeze in frozen bars, Gamma is more or less the same thing. CE is one killer food, I can see why your fish were conditioned into breeding. Congrats.
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Re: Corydoras Eques Breeding and Young

Post by ryanqin »

Very nice C.eques.
Could you tell me TDS value?
Btw, what's means HWA water?
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Re: Corydoras Eques Breeding and Young

Post by Corycory »

RobHarrison wrote:I have 7 wild caught adults in my group 3 females and 4 males, ph 7 , TDS 186 I do weekly cold water changes of HMA water the TDS of that is 115 the water change is of 50%. Since having the Eques (oct 2011) I have noticed that they really do enjoy fast flowing water there often swimming in the current this is also where they tend to lay there eggs, I have a good photo from the 100+ egg spawn to show that the majority of eggs are laid in the fast flowing water. Filtration wise I have a Eheim Aquaball 130 and a Eheim 2213 filter both 600lph and both with Venturi device fitted. House mates include a group of L260 plecos and a few rabbit snails, substrate is fine pea gravel, clay caves and bogwood temp of 27c. Hope that gives you enough info, any questions just ask.

In regards to the current, I have found out this to be the case for even my albino aeneus and laser corys. Mine loved putting the eggs on a koralia powerhead despite the grills and that it was 2800L/H, or generally where the most current is.
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