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Only feeding vegetables won´t help much. Zuchini, cucumber and others mainly consist of water. Tablets, and some meaty food will help more, Mysis and Artemia for example.
The links were very helpful, when I woke up the Zucchini was just skin. I have blood worms and daphnia that I will continue to feed at night. The supplied info everyone contributed is very helpful Thank you
Something else, very important: The temperature.
Baryancistrus live mostly in the rapids with very warm water. A good temperature is about 30 °C. Don´t know at what you keep it right now.
It does look like an L081. I've seen two 5-inch specimens of these at a LFS. Very beautiful but very territorial as well. Grows pretty big too according to Aqualog. I hope it is feeding well and adapting to the new tank as well. Good luck!
Very beautiful! Today, I saw a 3-incher at a LFS for $45.00 USD. But I chose to take the 6-incher Panaque Nigrolineatus instead. Just sayin". Good luck with this Baryancistrus. Nice to know that it is adapting well. Keep posting pictures for update!