Corys of Rio Meta and Unini

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Corys of Rio Meta and Unini

Post by Antti »

Hi, does anybody know what other Corydoras than C. metae inhabit Rio Meta?

How about Rio Unini, i know burgessi, davidsandsi and imitator are from there. How about nijsseni, any others..?

Thanks for info

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Post by Silurus »

Here are the species from the Rio Meta (list may not be exhaustive):

C. axelrodi
C. esperanzae
C. loxozonus
C. melanotaenia
C. melini
C. metae
C. simulatus
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Post by Antti »

Thanks Heok Hee, would you happen to have info on the water quality in places where the Meta-corydoras live? (mainly metae)

I guess Unini is black water, pH around 5?

I'm making a little story about metae, davidsandsi and burgessi cross breeding and like to have some other related facts correct.

I had burgessi x metae and davidsandsi x metae babies. I guess it's relatively common for Corydoras to get mixed?

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Post by Coryman »

I'm sorry but I don't like the sound of this!!

Cross breeding by design or by accident is in my opinion something that should be avoided at all cost. Accidentaly produced hibrids should be culled and deliberate crossbreeding should not be entertained.

We already have 'Baloon' Cory's, long stragly finned Cory's, NO hibrids please.

If you were trying to prove the validity of two identical looking species, by interbreding then may be there would be a valid argument, provided that the two so called species have been bred separately and the fry paterns are similar or the same.

Now having said all that if you take a look at my site all Corydoradinae species have their type locality included.

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Post by danpbmx »


sorry but i have to comment, it is not like the cross breeding was done on purpose, if you didnt know- things like this sometimes happen, people cant be as perfect as you, sorry, you seem to jump down peoples throats, you must know everything! hence the name 'coryman', i think sometimes you should take your attitude elswhere and give people a chance to learn from mistakes...

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Post by Antti »

Coryman, i completely agree with you. Anyway this cross breeding happened by accident already a few years ago, and produced only few fishes which i kept all. I have kept fishes like West-African dwarf cichlids, and would never mix fishes of same species from different river.
However the nature of this incident is quite interesting, and i have some photos which i manage to take from the "T-position" (metae and burgessi), i feel like i want to share the experience anyway. I was asking about the geographical distribution and natural waters to put emphasis on the "true" keeping of these species. I will not tell anybody to do the same, actually what i tell might help avoiding that from happening, eh?
Burgessi and davidsandsi didn't mix, they are from the same river. I was wondering what keeps them from mixing? Anybody have information on that? Maybe it is safe to keep Corys from the same area, because there are mechanisms keeping them from mixing?
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Post by Jools »

danpbmx wrote:Coryman,

sorry but i have to comment, it is not like the cross breeding was done on purpose, if you didnt know- things like this sometimes happen, people cant be as perfect as you, sorry, you seem to jump down peoples throats, you must know everything! hence the name 'coryman', i think sometimes you should take your attitude elswhere and give people a chance to learn from mistakes...

It appears to me you're the one jumping down throats here and displaying attitude . You state "people make mistakes", well, how can people avoid making them if others don't correct them?

Grow up and accept there are other opinions in the world other than your own.

Last edited by Jools on 08 Nov 2003, 09:41, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Coryman »


There are one ore two Cory species that are completely isolated from any other species and because of this their genetic barriers are weeker which alows invasion from near relatives. I am no scientist so I cannot really explain exactly how this works, may be HH can explain it. I would certainly be interested in reading about your observations and seeing the pictures. Send me a PM or e-mail.


I am sorry but I think you are the one here with attitude. If you read my post you will see that I did not jump down anyoneâ??s throat, I said that I was totaly against cross breeding by accident or design there are many in this forum that feel exactly the same. I do know that species will cross breed by accident, what I am saying. I did state that it is only MY OPINION, and that these hybrids should not be allowed to spread throughout the hobby. Whatâ??s with the name dig? I am a lover of Cory's, a 'Coryman' and no I don't know everything about Coryâ??s or anything else for thatâ??s matter, but I HAVE been successfully breeding them for 30 years, which covers a mere 71 species. I have and will continue to offer advice based on my gained knowledge, even to people like yourself who would sooner insult rather than listen and may be, just may be learn something.

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Post by Catinthehat »


Please keep up the good work and don't let one person with an attitude problem stop you from sharing your thoughts with the rest of us. I for one value your advice....


P.S. ---You have more then earned the name CORYMAN.
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Post by Antti »

Thanks to everybody for the information. I visited your website Coryman, you are for sure the Coryman! :D Amazing results. I will send PM soon.
Give Dan a chance too, i had only 3 posts so far and he was propably defending the new ones rights, thinking i'm being squashed right away. There are some "mean experts" out there on the forums that can make normal hobbyist seeking information very frustrated, but haven't seen and propably will not see any of those here. My message was such that my intentions could have been a lot worse, so what Coryman said needed to be said.

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Post by corydorus »


can you post the mating pic here. I am sure everybody is interested not only Coryman :D

dan, different opinions are ok but we have to learn to respect other views, experience and advise. You can disagreed, you need not follow but we should not insult.
Dennis Wang aka CoryDorus

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Post by danpbmx »

i am happy that you aquire the knowlage on corys, and breeding them as well, to me since i am obviously not as 'knowlaged' as everyone here, it seems you are rather crude with your responses to someones wrong doing, or what you think is wrong...and i dont have an attitude, i have also myself, only being 17, bred many south american species...i do not have the experience behind the years (im 17) and, i do not have the job to pay for my mistakes so i have to figure ways around things, so when somone like coreyman says, i cant have corys in with 'fine gravel', or, i cant belive you cross breed those on accident, 'i dont like the sound of this', it kind of puts me down, due to that fact that him saying this, my corys wont thrive in my tanks, and i cant handle someone giving smart (although very smart) snobby advice...

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Post by danpbmx »


thank you for understanding,really. for some reason, you are the only one that gets what i am saying, or pinting out, there are mean 'experts' so to say, who think they know everything, belive me, i work at a fish only store, i get alot of 'know-it-alls'...hmm sounds familiar

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Post by Coryman »


Firstly I have not said you CANNOT have or do anything, I have said what I consider to be the best requirements for keeping Cory's and in particular the pygmys. I know many people that keep them in different conditions and do very well with them. If you care to read what I have said with a clear mind and not look to find fault you will see that I am only giving MY OPINION. I am NOT saying you must do as you are told, or that if you disagree with my views you are wrong far from it, I am only trying to comunicate with you as an adut and giving advice based on experience, but to me you are reacting in a very imature way. Instead of having a go at me personally try countering the points I have made with constructive arguments, e.i. Why is pea gravel better than sand? why is cross breeding good for the hobby?

You say you work in a Fish only shop, thats great, its a very good place for you to learn, about many species of fish and its a position where you have to give customers advice, You say you meet all sorts of fish people with all sorts of views, some good some bad. Only you can decide which is which. How many DAN's have you come accross so far, who have disagreed with you and not your advice! OK a question, assuming you have the authority to buy fish from local breeders and one of these people brings you 100 C. panda/C. nijsseni crosses and offers them at a very good price what will you do?

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Post by Antti »


I said i understand why you reacted as you did, that's true. But please, we can not get personal in this forum. If you get pissed about some message, it's better to answer the next day and stick to the facts. It's great and unusual that you are breeding several species already at your age. Just be cool and in time you will be the one answering here. Don't seek quarrel with Coryman, try to learn from him as i do. This is a very unique forum in terms of professionalism, so time to get 8) .

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Post by Antti »

Hope this will work and you can see the two...

Thanks Mika for help with the picture.


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Post by Jools »

Afraid I can't see the image.

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Post by Antti »

Ouch, could see it there yesterday from my pc...

If you don't find it from here... ... ZzH_fs.jpg

... i can send it to you in your E-mail as attachment.

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Post by Jools »

Nope, still not working. Please don't send it to me via email, then no one else will be able to see it!

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Post by Silurus »

Strangely, it works for me...
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Post by Jools »

I've had a look into why - it's a caching / offsite access thing. To see the image type the URL to the image ( ... ZzH_fs.jpg ) into the browser address. If you just click on the link the webshots site understands what you're doing and doesn't provide the picture (unless you have it in your browsers cache in which case it will). It only goes into the browsers cache when it is displayed by the browser.

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Post by Coryman »

Here is the picture of Antti's C. metae & C. burgessi in a mating clinch.


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Post by Antti »

Thanks Ian, even here the egg is visible, but the picture is a bit blurred. The other one is a bit better technically, it's so hard to get the action on film. Pictures of the crossed fishes are still on slides and i don't have a scanner, so it will take a little time to get them in the web. Babies were pretty much from the halfway, burgessi x metae having black spot under dorsal + the band in the back, it was more of the grey color of burgessi though.

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