55 gallon biotope ideas?

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55 gallon biotope ideas?

Post by mattCD »

I am in the planning stages of a biotope tank for a 55 gallon long(US). I have a double stand (40 gallon on bottom 55 on top) and my floor is too unlevel for me to feel safe about filling the 55 to the top again. It always looked unstable when I had it full. So in order to reduce my fears of it being top heavy I plan to fill it to 35 gallons or so. In order to fill the dead space I am aquiring driftwood that will extend into the open area simulating "stick ups" and tree roots. Also I want to get some plants that float on top the water (water lettuce, creeping jenny...) and perhaps wrap some pothos or philodendron vines around the exposed wood. Ideas I have so far are SE asian slow water tank with a pair of gouramis a school of barbs. African swamp with butterfly fish, pair of kribs or maybe a school of congo tetras. S. American with hatchetfish and a pair of dwarf cichlids. I need some ideas for catfish. I am also not opposed to a species tank. I also thought about a river tank as well with nothing but a huge school of asian glass catfish. Any thoughts?
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Re: 55 gallon biotope ideas?

Post by corielover »

South american with cories and ancistrus. ;)
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Re: 55 gallon biotope ideas?

Post by 2wheelsx2 »

Why not anchor the stand to the wall and shim the stand? That's a better solution than not filling the tank all the way up, IMO.
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Re: 55 gallon biotope ideas?

Post by wrasse »

Hi Matt,

You cannot be serious! (MacEnroe voice)
You really really need to put your tank on a level floor.
Just how uneven was it before? If at one end was full, how much down was it at the other?
Or was it leaning forward? X_X

If you spill a cup of water it looks a lot, but 35+ gallons???
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Re: 55 gallon biotope ideas?

Post by Shane »

All of the biotope themes you mention make great set ups. What catfishes are you most interested in? That might help us guide you towards a set up you will be happy with.
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