Catfish & Loach Show and auction - National Catfish Champion
- The.Dark.One
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Catfish & Loach Show and auction - National Catfish Champion
Last years show and auction was a great success with around 130 catfish and loach on show and some rare cats and loaches and bargains in the auction: ... castleford
This years should be even better. The show and auction is on 8 July 2012.
In addition to the classes from last year and the cash prizes, this year we have a National Catfish Champion competition sponsored by Pier Aquatics, Wigan. The winner will receive an Aqua One Aquanano 40 tank and the bragging rights of having the best catfish in the country!
See schedule below for further details: ... 5B1%5D.pdf ... castleford
This years should be even better. The show and auction is on 8 July 2012.
In addition to the classes from last year and the cash prizes, this year we have a National Catfish Champion competition sponsored by Pier Aquatics, Wigan. The winner will receive an Aqua One Aquanano 40 tank and the bragging rights of having the best catfish in the country!
See schedule below for further details: ... 5B1%5D.pdf
- Matt30
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Re: Catfish & Loach Show and auction - National Catfish Cham
Cheers for the info,first time I would have attended anything Catfish related looks like its going to be a good day, I'm there !
"Justice is coming to all of us no matter what we do"-WATCHMEN
- The.Dark.One
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Re: Catfish & Loach Show and auction - National Catfish Cham
You are welcome Matt. Hope to see you there. If you intend to show please look at the entry rules on the schedule. If you want to sell anything catfish and loach related let me know within a month of date or you can just turn up with the stuff on the day.
If not, just come along and enjoy.
See you in July.
If not, just come along and enjoy.
See you in July.
- Matt30
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Re: Catfish & Loach Show and auction - National Catfish Cham
I won't be showing or selling any of my Cats this year anyway, but probably won't be able to resist taking some home, I couldn't see a entrance fee on the link so I must be free admission ? Anyway it would be grate to meet a PC member if you PM your number I will give you a shout on the day and we can meet up.
"Justice is coming to all of us no matter what we do"-WATCHMEN
- The.Dark.One
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Re: Catfish & Loach Show and auction - National Catfish Cham
No probs.
yes, no admission fee.
You can't miss me on the day. I'll be helping the auctioneer.
yes, no admission fee.
You can't miss me on the day. I'll be helping the auctioneer.
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nick name MULE
Re: Catfish & Loach Show and auction - National Catfish Cham
I would love to be there but it is to far to drive .Do they ever have shows in Florida USA
- The.Dark.One
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Re: Catfish & Loach Show and auction - National Catfish Cham
I think there is a catfish club in the USA? I'm not sure though.
- Thriftyfisher
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Re: Catfish & Loach Show and auction - National Catfish Cham
A bi-yearly convention is going to be held this year in the Washington DC area
I went to the one in 2010, my first for a catfish convention, and it was a great time. It really is worth going to and it is a bit closer than the UK, although a catfish and loach show and auction would be a great reason to visit the UK, which is on my bucket list of places to visit, preferably during gooseberry season.
I went to the one in 2010, my first for a catfish convention, and it was a great time. It really is worth going to and it is a bit closer than the UK, although a catfish and loach show and auction would be a great reason to visit the UK, which is on my bucket list of places to visit, preferably during gooseberry season.
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nick name MULE
Re: Catfish & Loach Show and auction - National Catfish Cham
I would love to go to the UK I will even learn to speak the language but Washington DC are you kidding I was there in the 60's as an honor guard for the Kennedy funeral,that place is a dump.
I will check out the web site, thanks
I will check out the web site, thanks
- MatsP
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Re: Catfish & Loach Show and auction - National Catfish Cham
If my experiences of fish-conferences and such is that you don't spend much time outside of the hotel for the duration of the conference - and what time IS spent outside the hotel is generally driving to some nearby (or not so nearby) fish-shops. So they could hold it in the middle of the city dump (as long as there is a hotel there) and you wouldn't really know any different...
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Re: Catfish & Loach Show and auction - National Catfish Cham
Speakers for the convention:
Heiko Bleher
Hans-Georg Evers
Ian Fuller
Mark Sabaj Pérez
Eric Bodrock
Heiko Bleher
Hans-Georg Evers
Ian Fuller
Mark Sabaj Pérez
Eric Bodrock
- Jools
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Re: Catfish & Loach Show and auction - National Catfish Cham
What catfishes is Heiko talking about?
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- The.Dark.One
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Re: Catfish & Loach Show and auction - National Catfish Cham
Fish so far booked in (with more to come!):
Ancistrus sp Rio Paraguay; Ancistrus ‘L144’; Ancistrus L338 (juveniles); Red and Black Ancistrus; Ancistrus Longfins; Super Red Ancistrus; Common Ancistrus; Albino Ancistrus
Hypancistrus zebra (Breeding group 4 adults); Hypancistrus L066; Hypancistrus L340 Mega Clown
Panaqolus LDA01; Panaqolus L002; Panaqolus L226 (pair); Panaqolus ‘Olga’ (pair); Panaqolus L204 (adult pair)
Peckoltia L134 Leopard Frog; Peckoltia L015; Peckoltia L038 (juveniles); Peckoltia L288 (Show Size trio); Peckoltia L202 (adults); Peckoltia snethlagae L141; L200; L128; Leporacanthicus triactis L091; Panaque L191;
Corydoras ehrhardti; Corydoras habrosus; Corydoras CW024; Corydoras polystictus; black Corydoras aeneus; Corydoras ambiacus, Corydoras burgessi (juveniles), Corydoras nijsseni (juveniles); Corydoras trilineatus; Corydoras boesemani; Corydoras carlae; Corydoras panda 'white'; Corydoras paleatus 'albino longfin'; Corydoras paleatus 'black'; Corydoras gold laser; Corydoras CW052; Corydoras araguiaensis; Corydoras panda; Corydoras gomezi; Corydoras weitzmani; Corydoras delphax; Corydoras sterbai; Corydoras reticulatus; Corydoras loretoensis; Corydoras napoensis; Corydoras melini; Corydoras concolor; Corydoras hastatus; Corydoras pygmaeus; Corydoras diphyes; Corydoras C123 (breeding team); Corydoras lamberti; Scleromystax barbatus; Scleromystax lacerdai; Scleromystax prionotus; Aspidoras C125 Gold (singles and breeding team); Aspidoras pauciradiatus; Aspidoras C118 (singles and breeders team); Aspidoras C119 (breeding team); Brochis splendens; Megalechis picta
Hemiodontichthys acipenserinus; Sturisoma panamense; Sturisoma aureum
Centromochlus altae; Tatia sp TAHUAYO GREEN (pair); Tatia strigata (trio), Tatia dunni (pair), Trachelyopterus sp Peru; Trachelyopterichthys taeniatus (pair); Auchenipterichthys coracoideus;
Chaca bankanensis; Parakysis anomalopteryx; Bunocephalus verrucosus; Glyptothorax siamensis; Hypodoras forficulatus; Acanthodoras sp ‘Lechera’; Pseudopimelodus bufonius; Microglanis iheringi; Pimelodus pictus; Synodontis batesii (pair) (not Microsynodontis!); Synodontis greshoffi; Hara minuscula
Yoyo loach; Pseudogastromyzon myersi; Syncrossus helodes; Pangio semicinctus; Schistura sp; Homaloptera sp; Traccatichthys pulcher
Ancistrus sp Rio Paraguay; Ancistrus ‘L144’; Ancistrus L338 (juveniles); Red and Black Ancistrus; Ancistrus Longfins; Super Red Ancistrus; Common Ancistrus; Albino Ancistrus
Hypancistrus zebra (Breeding group 4 adults); Hypancistrus L066; Hypancistrus L340 Mega Clown
Panaqolus LDA01; Panaqolus L002; Panaqolus L226 (pair); Panaqolus ‘Olga’ (pair); Panaqolus L204 (adult pair)
Peckoltia L134 Leopard Frog; Peckoltia L015; Peckoltia L038 (juveniles); Peckoltia L288 (Show Size trio); Peckoltia L202 (adults); Peckoltia snethlagae L141; L200; L128; Leporacanthicus triactis L091; Panaque L191;
Corydoras ehrhardti; Corydoras habrosus; Corydoras CW024; Corydoras polystictus; black Corydoras aeneus; Corydoras ambiacus, Corydoras burgessi (juveniles), Corydoras nijsseni (juveniles); Corydoras trilineatus; Corydoras boesemani; Corydoras carlae; Corydoras panda 'white'; Corydoras paleatus 'albino longfin'; Corydoras paleatus 'black'; Corydoras gold laser; Corydoras CW052; Corydoras araguiaensis; Corydoras panda; Corydoras gomezi; Corydoras weitzmani; Corydoras delphax; Corydoras sterbai; Corydoras reticulatus; Corydoras loretoensis; Corydoras napoensis; Corydoras melini; Corydoras concolor; Corydoras hastatus; Corydoras pygmaeus; Corydoras diphyes; Corydoras C123 (breeding team); Corydoras lamberti; Scleromystax barbatus; Scleromystax lacerdai; Scleromystax prionotus; Aspidoras C125 Gold (singles and breeding team); Aspidoras pauciradiatus; Aspidoras C118 (singles and breeders team); Aspidoras C119 (breeding team); Brochis splendens; Megalechis picta
Hemiodontichthys acipenserinus; Sturisoma panamense; Sturisoma aureum
Centromochlus altae; Tatia sp TAHUAYO GREEN (pair); Tatia strigata (trio), Tatia dunni (pair), Trachelyopterus sp Peru; Trachelyopterichthys taeniatus (pair); Auchenipterichthys coracoideus;
Chaca bankanensis; Parakysis anomalopteryx; Bunocephalus verrucosus; Glyptothorax siamensis; Hypodoras forficulatus; Acanthodoras sp ‘Lechera’; Pseudopimelodus bufonius; Microglanis iheringi; Pimelodus pictus; Synodontis batesii (pair) (not Microsynodontis!); Synodontis greshoffi; Hara minuscula
Yoyo loach; Pseudogastromyzon myersi; Syncrossus helodes; Pangio semicinctus; Schistura sp; Homaloptera sp; Traccatichthys pulcher
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Re: Catfish & Loach Show and auction - National Catfish Cham
This reads like a stock list of a top shop!
- The.Dark.One
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Re: Catfish & Loach Show and auction - National Catfish Cham
More to the list:
lge pair albino bristlenose
pair wild lanceolata
brachysynodontis batensoda x 5
sm gibbiceps x 5
heteropnuestes fossilis x 2
microsynodontis sp.polleni x 12
sm clown loach x 6
lge very nice clown loach x 2
lge marble lancer x 1
paraucheoglannis macrastoma x 2
botia striata x 3
golden sucking loach x 1
channel cat x 1
mystus vittata x 2
indian mystus sp x 2
platydoras armatulus x 3
med gibbiceps x 2
pim pictus x 4
syno nigriventris x 4
marble clarias x 1
pangasius x 4
king bagrid x 1
pseudorhinelepis pelligrini x 1
bamboo plec / whip x 20
LG6 True Hemiloricaria parva F1 whiptail
Rineloricara sp Red Lizard L010A tank Bred
Ancistrus br prs + youngster/fry
Cory Albino bronze
Cory CW22 young/fry
lge pair albino bristlenose
pair wild lanceolata
brachysynodontis batensoda x 5
sm gibbiceps x 5
heteropnuestes fossilis x 2
microsynodontis sp.polleni x 12
sm clown loach x 6
lge very nice clown loach x 2
lge marble lancer x 1
paraucheoglannis macrastoma x 2
botia striata x 3
golden sucking loach x 1
channel cat x 1
mystus vittata x 2
indian mystus sp x 2
platydoras armatulus x 3
med gibbiceps x 2
pim pictus x 4
syno nigriventris x 4
marble clarias x 1
pangasius x 4
king bagrid x 1
pseudorhinelepis pelligrini x 1
bamboo plec / whip x 20
LG6 True Hemiloricaria parva F1 whiptail
Rineloricara sp Red Lizard L010A tank Bred
Ancistrus br prs + youngster/fry
Cory Albino bronze
Cory CW22 young/fry
- Jools
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Re: Catfish & Loach Show and auction - National Catfish Cham
What is a bamboo Pleco?
Owner,, & Please consider donating towards this site's running costs.
- The.Dark.One
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Re: Catfish & Loach Show and auction - National Catfish Cham
I'm not sure Jools. It's just what the seller has listed it as. I'll try and find out tonight.
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Re: Catfish & Loach Show and auction - National Catfish Cham
I'm making a promise to myself that one day I will attend one of these show events, it's just a shame this one is so far from Southampton 
Hope everything goes well for all those attending.

Hope everything goes well for all those attending.
Q) Why are dead fish harder to 'wind up' than live fish?
A) Because dead fish never take the bait! ;)
A) Because dead fish never take the bait! ;)
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Re: Catfish & Loach Show and auction - National Catfish Cham
Hey Lloydy,
Although it wont beat being there, why not see if anyone is travelling up North who can bid on any of the fish you're interested in. Unlike most auctions, Steve's done a great job in getting lists of species planned to come up, so you can take your pick!
Maybe next year we'll have introduced on-line bidding!
Although it wont beat being there, why not see if anyone is travelling up North who can bid on any of the fish you're interested in. Unlike most auctions, Steve's done a great job in getting lists of species planned to come up, so you can take your pick!
Maybe next year we'll have introduced on-line bidding!
Mark Walters
[email protected]
[email protected]
- The.Dark.One
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Re: Catfish & Loach Show and auction - National Catfish Cham
He means they are bamboo pipes for plecs lolJools wrote:What is a bamboo Pleco?
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Re: Catfish & Loach Show and auction - National Catfish Cham
Any ideas on what "microsynodontis sp.polleni" is meant to be? M. polli or M. sp.1, perhaps?
Dreaming of a full-on 5x2x2 Zaire River rapids biotope...
- The.Dark.One
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Re: Catfish & Loach Show and auction - National Catfish Cham
I'm not sure until the day. He gets stuff direct from Africa so not sure
- The.Dark.One
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Re: Catfish & Loach Show and auction - National Catfish Cham
Well, it's been a manic day but I can honestly say that there will never have been an auction like this one for the range and scarcity of species available and at the prices offered.
Thank you to everyone who sponsored the event, and to those who sold and bought fish, and to those who helped us out. We couldn't have done it without you.
Well done to Mark Walters for having the first National Catfish Champion, to John Egan for Best Catfish and Best Loach.
Here are some (poor) pics of some of the show fish.




















Thank you to everyone who sponsored the event, and to those who sold and bought fish, and to those who helped us out. We couldn't have done it without you.
Well done to Mark Walters for having the first National Catfish Champion, to John Egan for Best Catfish and Best Loach.
Here are some (poor) pics of some of the show fish.




















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Re: Catfish & Loach Show and auction - National Catfish Cham
A few stunners in those photos, including that male Callichthys looking in great shape! I never realised that "Spotted Raphaels" became such stocky catfish with hunched backs either, someone I know has a couple of youngsters and the really appealed after seeing them in the flesh for the first time.
Dreaming of a full-on 5x2x2 Zaire River rapids biotope...
- The.Dark.One
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Re: Catfish & Loach Show and auction - National Catfish Cham
That Callichthys was gorgeous, and a monster!
Yeah, as the spotted doras get bigger and fatter their body shape alters. They are lovely fish.
Yeah, as the spotted doras get bigger and fatter their body shape alters. They are lovely fish.
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Re: Catfish & Loach Show and auction - National Catfish Cham
What did the above mentioned Microsyno's turn out to be??Any ideas on what "microsynodontis sp.polleni" is meant to be? M. polli or M. sp.1, perhaps?
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Re: Catfish & Loach Show and auction - National Catfish Cham
Hi Birger,
They were the most frequently available M. sp 1. There were some other great mochokidae available including Euchilichthys royauxi, S. eupterus (lovely fish but unsold), S. nigriventris, S. batesi (adult pair), B. batensoda and probably others I can't remember.
They were the most frequently available M. sp 1. There were some other great mochokidae available including Euchilichthys royauxi, S. eupterus (lovely fish but unsold), S. nigriventris, S. batesi (adult pair), B. batensoda and probably others I can't remember.
Mark Walters
[email protected]
[email protected]
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Re: Catfish & Loach Show and auction - National Catfish Cham
Never even looked up Euchilichthys spp. on here before, they almost look like blander and larger S. brichardi!CoryWally wrote:Hi Birger,
They were the most frequently available M. sp 1. There were some other great mochokidae available including Euchilichthys royauxi, S. eupterus (lovely fish but unsold), S. nigriventris, S. batesi (adult pair), B. batensoda and probably others I can't remember.
I'm still ruing a partial disaster with my Microsynodontis sp.1s, I lost 7 of my 10 that used to be so diurnal and active, just over a month ago. I was struggling to work out what was going on, but then finally when observing one day I saw the odd Ilyodon xantusi youngster attacking the catfish (yet curiously, the catfish were completely left alone by the Ilyodon parents a few months back, when they shared a tank for ~6 weeks). I isolated and quarantined the catfish (including my singelton M. polli) from the Ilyodon for a month and neither tank had any further deaths, so I re-introduced the catfish back to my 140l mainly small African community (Phenacogrammus nigropterus; Steatocranus tinanti young duo; Synodntis nigriventris group plus a singleton congica; MartinS' old Chaetostoma milesi; MatsP's tank bred Nannostomus beckfordi).
Anyway, another great looking show and once again I'm left wishing I could get to one of these events at some point!

Dreaming of a full-on 5x2x2 Zaire River rapids biotope...
- The.Dark.One
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- Spotted: 16
- Location 1: Castleford, West Yorkshire, England
- Location 2: Castleford
Re: Catfish & Loach Show and auction - National Catfish Cham
That's a shame.
Yes, hopefully you can be at the next one
Yes, hopefully you can be at the next one
