need help identifying

Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
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need help identifying

Post by pauliewalnuts »

just bought it from a lfs told me it was a moonlight catfish and related to a bullhead dont see very much similarities to a bullhead though
new catfish.jpg
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need help identifying

Post by Martin S »

That is an or Zamora/Midnight Catfish.
Looks like it maybe a female but it's not clear enough from the image. Will feed on most prepared foods, but be aware that it will feed more openly after lights out. My trio take frozen foods, small pellets and flake.
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Re: need help identifying

Post by pauliewalnuts »

thanks a lot any info is much appreciated
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need help identifying

Post by Martin S »

Have updated my reply. Click the purple text in my post to see more info on the fish.
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Re: need help identifying

Post by Viktor Jarikov »

Welcome. I agree with Martin on the ID.

Please read the data sheet and whatever else you can find on wood catfishes in general and other Auchenipterichthys genus members in particular. They are very secretive and elusive. I've seen mine only during feeding times and only when they got hungry - they fly around the tank looking for all and any bits of food I'd throw in - quite cute and agile, quirky fish IMHO but will hide all day long no matter what. If you want visibility and your tank has plants/furniture, this is not gonna please you.

Right, it has nothing to do with the bullheads on the species, genus, and family level and they live many thousand miles apart in nature, but it is a Siluriform (read catfish) :)
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Re: need help identifying

Post by Angelface23 »

I have 13 of these wonderful fish! And they do and LOVE enjoying smaller fish as snacks!! They have quite an appetite for anything they fit into their mouths.

Mine will be out during the day, but I have had them for 6 years now and they are comfortable with the low traffic in the living room and low lighting.

For the longest time they wouldn't come out, then suddenly one day they started swimming in the early morning, and now they are out when we eat supper (can see the tank from the dinning room) so given time, a large group of them, they may come out and swim when you can see them!! Enjoy these amazing fish!!! I am always looking to buy more!
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Re: need help identifying

Post by Viktor Jarikov »

Very good to learn that, Angelface23. Thanks. How big are yours by now? A shot of your tank with decor would be of further help.
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Re: need help identifying

Post by Angelface23 »

I will try and post some photos! They are about 5-6 inches's really tacky decor! I have a medusa head and a "old pottery" fashioned jar I bought for $1 each because they were clearance and I needed something fast for them to hide in that they wouldn't get hurt on...

I have plastic plants because they ate all my live ones...I grow java moss by the ton in there and it's the only they they can't destroy (they even ate all my duckweed...)

Enjoy them! I am always looking for them as they are difficult to find around here (I've driven to many cities looking for them)
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