Big filter need 2000l

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Big filter need 2000l

Post by solvent123 »

hi are they any ex ternal filters out there for a 2000l tank?

dont want a pond filter...

any suggestions wil help

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Re: Big filter need 2000l

Post by MatsP »

2 * Eheim 2262 or 2 * Eheim 2080 or 2 * Fluval FX5.

Other than that, it's DIY or "custom build" or some such. For most really large tanks, I'd expect a drilled tank with sump would be the ideal solution - and can probably be done for about the same price as the cost of two of the above filters.

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Re: Big filter need 2000l

Post by 2wheelsx2 »

MatsP wrote:2 * Eheim 2262 or 2 * Eheim 2080 or 2 * Fluval FX5.

Other than that, it's DIY or "custom build" or some such. For most really large tanks, I'd expect a drilled tank with sump would be the ideal solution - and can probably be done for about the same price as the cost of two of the above filters.
I don't know the prices across the pond, but 2x2080 here would be $800 before taxes with no media. So doing a sump would likely be less than half that. In a tank that size, I think a sump is the only way to go.
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Re: Big filter need 2000l

Post by matthewfaulkner »

Another big one is the Tetratec ex2400. I've used one as well as the Fluval FX5 and Eheim 2080/2180.

And as you mention pond filters, I use a Laguna canister with a 6000LPH solids pump which beats all these in to the ground for performance. What do you intend to keep?
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Re: Big filter need 2000l

Post by andregurov »

For my 340 gallon tank (what is that? 1300 liters?) I had to build an external filter, as the costs noted here stymied my efforts to use off-the-shelf hardware. Instead of constructing an under tank sump, I built an above tank wet/dry (trickle) filter. The cost was minimal, my ability to pick-and-choose specifications was great, and I also do not have to worry about the expense of a LARGE container under the tank to hold overflow water. When the power shuts off ... the water just gravity drains to whence it came.

The pumps weren't cheap, but no plan is perfect. b-) Since I have a canopy over the tank, there is no unsightly filter to behold either. But I still think constructing your own filter is the best choice in most applications.
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