Sexing L340

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Sexing L340

Post by JCB »

I just bought 4 L340 and i`m wondering if they are males/females. I hope that you can help me but the photo`s aren`t realy great.


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Re: Sexing L340

Post by pleco_breeder »

They're going to need to fatten up, and grow just a bit, before it can be said for sure. However, they all look to be juvenile males. Fish #2 may be female, but the best sexing pics need to be almost perfectly straight down from above on a solid surface.

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Re: Sexing L340

Post by Suckermouth »

Agreed, they all look to be small little guys.
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Re: Sexing L340

Post by pleco22 »


seem to be small boys. Try to get more of the same source. You only need one female. They are like rabbits.

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Re: Sexing L340

Post by JCB »

Thanks for helping. Unfortunately these 4 where the last in the store. :((
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Re: Sexing L340

Post by JCB »

On saturday i`m going to get a few more L340 because the store has got a new shipment with 10 of these fishes.

How can I, as a non catfish expert see what are truly female`s?
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Re: Sexing L340

Post by jac »

That will be very difficult. Specially because the fish will come from the wholesaler and will be very stressed and thin due to transportation.
Pick the fish with no odonthodes on the tale and pectorialfinray (feel the tale with your fingers), very short (or no) odonthodes at the jawline and a small and narrow headshape.
That's the best you can do I'm afraid... Good luck!!
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Re: Sexing L340

Post by JCB »

I bought 2 more L340. They are the 2 of the 10 fishes that looked the most like a female. But when I look at them now? I let you make the judment...


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