Where do Otocinclus spend most of their time?

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Where do Otocinclus spend most of their time?

Post by sandman76 »

I am eager and ready to possibly get a school of otos.
20 gallon long... 25 Red Cherry Shrimp and 1 Albino BN Pleco. and I am planning on getting 6 otos.

My question... do otos spend a lot of the time on the ground where some of my shrimp venture? where do otos spend majority of their time basically. I had corydoras who would bulldoze my planted tank, ram the java moss wiht my RCS and startle them.. will the otos do the same? sorry for the long messege. appreciate any input you have. I did all my other research about them.... always wanted them... thanks
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Where do Otocinclus spend most of their time?

Post by Coursair »

ImageMy Otos occasionally startle my Shrimp. But usually I see Shrimp riding the Otos or Otos pushing Shrimp aside and the Shrimp don't even seem to notice. My Otos are usually on the walls or the plants. When they are on the ground the Shrimp completely ignore them or sit on them.

My C habrosus are more of a disturbance. But the Shrimp are still thriving.
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Re: Where do Otocinclus spend most of their time?

Post by apistomaster »

I have a couple dozen Otocinclus in my planted 125 gal Tetra tank and they often are widely dispesred and at every level.
But they largely spend most of their time on plant leaves and side glass panels.
They tend to become more active as one group shortly after finishing a water change.
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Re: Where do Otocinclus spend most of their time?

Post by sandman76 »

Thank you to both of you..
I am even more looking forward to getting my school of Otos this week... They should fit right in.
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