Wild caught Ls fresh off IBAMA export ban list

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Wild caught Ls fresh off IBAMA export ban list

Post by discusorigins »

The Brazilian Ministry of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA) has recently just taken these Plecos (L-numbers) off the export ban list. These are now legal to export for the time being out of Brazil and could be again closed at anytime or due to the building of the Belo Monte dam which is sure to wipe out most of their natural habitat.

I am new to this forum my Brazilian wild discus supplier sent me an availability list so I'm posting them on this forum for any interested collectors. My sponsor page is 'http://forum.simplydiscus.com/forumdisp ... la-Florida' if anyone is interested.

Please contact me at discusorigins@yahoo.com

Thank you.

L14 $56
L18 $34
L20 $34
L25 $130
L27 $60
L47 $70
L48 $50
L66 $90
L75 $44
L172 $70
L185 $100
L253 $130
L333 $100
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Re: Wild caught Ls fresh off IBAMA export ban list

Post by bottomfeeders »

What this tells me is that I have not been charging enough for my F1's! $100 for 333's?
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Re: Wild caught Ls fresh off IBAMA export ban list

Post by discusorigins »

LOL....maybe need to bump those up :)

No seriously, I know of several breeders who are selling F1 L333s, so the price for the 1-1.5" size is pretty much market established. These are wild caught F0 adults at 3-4" in size and the price reflects so.
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Re: Wild caught Ls fresh off IBAMA export ban list

Post by yayfish24 »

Id love to get an l185.
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Re: Wild caught Ls fresh off IBAMA export ban list

Post by discusorigins »

Shoot me an email if you would like to order one :)
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Re: Wild caught Ls fresh off IBAMA export ban list

Post by AleGer »

L172 $70
Oh I want these guys!!!

But Florida is so far away from me :((
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Re: Wild caught Ls fresh off IBAMA export ban list

Post by discusorigins »

well...we are only separate by a small body of water :-p
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Re: Wild caught Ls fresh off IBAMA export ban list

Post by discusorigins »

After several months of waiting I finally have a confirmed list of availability and will be importing some of the now legal plecos towards the end of March. I had to find new suppliers as the original one never came thru with any further information. Sizing and pricing has changed obviously because of new supplier and all of the plecos with the exception of the L273 will be over 10cm in size. So these will not be the 6-8cm size originally quoted.

There are only limited quantities at this time. So whoever sends me payment first will have priority, that is the only way I can be fair to everyone. If for some reason this falls thru again I will refund the payments immediately. Pricing is currently a close estimation, I won't know of exact pricing until I have a shipping quote....and I can't have a shipping quote until I know what quantity to order from your responses. But at the most I would see maybe a $25/fish increase, hopefully I am pretty close in my guesstimate and there wont be any change at all to pricing.

The L27 has been confirmed as L27 Xingu.

L25 15-22cm size $375 each (only 6 available at this time)

L27 9-11cm size $200 each (8 available)

13-17cm size $300 each (6 available)

18-24cm size $350 each (4 available)

LDA07 10-12cm $225 each (12 available)

13-16cm $300 each (8 available)

L273 6-8cm size $200 each (8 available)

L262 6-8 cm size $100 each (8 avaialble)

L14 6-8 cm size $60 each (16 available)

Please respond if interested by email and also send paypal as 'personal gift' to avoid 3% fee. If paying by credit card please call (352)694-2222 between 10am and 6pm at my warehouse and we will take card over the phone.

Paypal is discus_origins@yahoo.com

Email is discusorigins@yahoo.com

Thank you and let me know if you have any questions.

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