This time I thing I have better chanses on raising them all sens I'm finished with my breeding facility.
I gessing on 250- 300 fry... hard to tell when they are that many.
Female is around 25 cm and the male around 28 cm.
Around 50% of the frys....

Water parameters
pH 6,7
Conductivity: 190 uS/cm
Temperature: 28 degrees
Nitrite; 0
Strong current around the males cave.
The pair had a short courting and then spended 4 days in the cave before the spawning. The female was leaving the cave 07.00 in the morning so I'm gessing that they spawned juring the night.
Cave size: 38 cm length and 9 cm/dm and a bit smaller at the back of the cave (home made caves)
I hope to come across really large L114s some times... I would like to see the sparn from a 35+ female... must be huge...