L114 breeding

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L114 breeding

Post by Cristoffer Forssander »

I finaly got another breeding from my L114s, day before Christmas!

This time I thing I have better chanses on raising them all sens I'm finished with my breeding facility.

I gessing on 250- 300 fry... hard to tell when they are that many.

Female is around 25 cm and the male around 28 cm.

Around 50% of the frys....

Water parameters
pH 6,7
Conductivity: 190 uS/cm
Temperature: 28 degrees
Nitrite; 0
Strong current around the males cave.
The pair had a short courting and then spended 4 days in the cave before the spawning. The female was leaving the cave 07.00 in the morning so I'm gessing that they spawned juring the night.
Cave size: 38 cm length and 9 cm/dm and a bit smaller at the back of the cave (home made caves)

I hope to come across really large L114s some times... I would like to see the sparn from a 35+ female... must be huge...

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Re: L114 breeding

Post by Lygen »

WOW !!!

any loss till now?

Good Luck raising them :YMAPPLAUSE:
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Re: L114 breeding

Post by MatsP »

Congratulations, and good luck with raising them.

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Re: L114 breeding

Post by PseudaSmart »

You are very deserving of this success! You have waited and worked a long time to get another spawn.

Almost 3,000 gallons solely for raising and breeding Pseudacanthicus.
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Re: L114 breeding

Post by yayfish24 »

Thats awesome. Congrats and keep us updated with the little ones.
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Re: L114 breeding

Post by Elwood »

Congratulations! :-BD
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Re: L114 breeding

Post by Cristoffer Forssander »

Thanks all!

Jim, you know how long I have waited for quite some time sense my last spawn (1 1/2 years ago)

I lost 3 when trying to steal the eggs from the father at hatching day. I lost 2 more eggs caused by fungus and i think I lost 5 fry’s the first week. No one have died the last day so it looks very stabile. Next critical moment is the first weeks with feeding.

I till give them mysis the first weeks and then Dr. basslers. 30- 50 % daily water changes.
I will also try to keep them in groups of 40- 50 fry in each 100 liters tanks - connected to a central filtration unit and extra oxygen in every tank to minimize the risks of deformations at fins and heads....

I have a L240 spawn at the moment as well and she’s always giving over 200 eggs so there are quite a lot of fry at the moment so I will spend a lot of time with my aquariums the following weeks..

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Re: L114 breeding

Post by wrasse »

I'm jotting down notes from this one!!!

Great, Cristoffer.

Do you have a photo of the breeding tank and nest site?
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Re: L114 breeding

Post by PseudaSmart »

For feeding the fry you might want to consider offering some frozen Cyclop-eeze. I do not know if it is available over your way. If you buy it by the block the price is better. It does not cloud the water and I got great growth rates from the fry.
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Re: L114 breeding

Post by 900801 »

congratz, how are your first spawn fries? How big are they now? Did you experience any sudden death syndrome after 2 months onwards?
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Re: L114 breeding

Post by Barbie »

That is a fantastic sight! How awesome to see that many fry in one net. It's an incentive program for me to get my group moved into a tank big enough for them to do something besides wait ;).

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Re: L114 breeding

Post by ElTofi »

Nice shot, Cris !

so glad for you ! Hope you'll do better than I did with L25... they seem very well... at this stage, the next delicate step is, as you said, starting feeding. with my Pseuda I used to begin at around hatching + 10-12 days... Sera Viformo together with crushed red mosquito larvae, in a kind of melted paste...

the Potamotrygon adventure has begun...
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Re: L114 breeding

Post by Cristoffer Forssander »


I will consider the suggestions about food. I have several options!
Jim, I have cyclops but I'm thinking on using mysis... they are a bit smaller in size.
I'll will try to get a shot of the tank. The tank is 180*70*40 cm. Some thin levels of gravel and some bogwood.

The fry from my first spawn are all sold and they are around 10- 15 cm (1 1/2 yeras old).

I have problems with my first spawn caused they killed each others. I will use another tank set up this time and a lot more aquariums for them. I will reansfer them to bigger tanks after 2 weeks in raising boxes where I can feed them more in their parents aquarium. This is the way I raise all my plecos.
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Re: L114 breeding

Post by stumac »

Also taking notes!! Only got a small one at the mo bit there on my list. also got 240's on it so i will defo bend your ear when i get goin, refurbishing my setup at the mo to add a couple more big tanks. cant have too many of these fish in the world
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Re: L114 breeding

Post by rövarprinsen »

Wow congratulations i had L114 that unfortunatly died when a filter broke. Ill be interested in some if youre coming to stockholm. Put up some more pictures please. Mvh/Stevie
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Re: L114 breeding

Post by Cristoffer Forssander »

Hello all!

Short update!

Fry have been moved to boxes and small aquariums! They will be transferd to bigger aquariums within two weeks!



I have one with bloathed stomach, but I think it will be fine within a few more days!

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Re: L114 breeding

Post by ElTofi »

I'm not jealous ! not at all :d

/:) well... [-( maybe...

=P~ a small little (tiny) bit :YMAPPLAUSE:
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Re: L114 breeding

Post by nvcichlids »

*drool* ^:)^
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Re: L114 breeding

Post by joefish72b »

Congratulations on your second spawn. I am now waiting for my L114 to mature so I know what you went through to get to this point.

I am making notes from your information so that I can be prepared for my first spawn, if I'm so lucky. I see your picture of fry in a plastic bin. Is that your grow box, and if so how do you keep it regulated for temp, air, and clean water?

One more question if it is ok. On your first spawn you say they started to eat each other. At what stage did this begin to happen, I assume maybe just after the yolk sack was used?

Thank you in advance for any information you share.
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Re: L114 breeding

Post by Cristoffer Forssander »


They started to bite each others when they where about 2-3 months old!
I think its possible to solve this with another tank set up!

Perhaps pseudasmart has some suggestions about this issue!?

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Re: L114 breeding

Post by PseudaSmart »

The fry are looking very nice. The answer to reduce fighting is simple but also difficult. You need to provide a lot of cover but the type of cover changes as they get larger. The usual casualty is the tail getting chewed off and then they die. The next problem with cover is size of the nooks and cranies. If the fry grow to large with cover that is too small they will damage / break their pectoral fins. If the cover is too big for the fry they then all fight for the smaller spaces. The best answer is to spread out the fry so there are as few as possible in each tank.

Good luck when the time comes.
Almost 3,000 gallons solely for raising and breeding Pseudacanthicus.
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