Rineloricaria sp L010A

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Rineloricaria sp L010A

Post by iafr11 »

Has anybody raised successfully fry from L010A ..the Red Lizard Whiptail Catfish. If so how did you do it. :-! :-!

I've had 2 spawns of around 40 fry & they have lasted about a week.
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Re: Rineloricaria sp L010A

Post by Acanthicus »

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Re: Rineloricaria sp L010A

Post by toddnbecka »

I had a group of them last year, and managed to raise a fair number of fry. After they spawned (inside a small piece of pvc) I'd move the pipe with the male and the eggs to a 10 gallon tank. I'd use a bowl so that they neve left the water or were disturbed too much, then after the eggs hatched I'd move the pipe and the male back to the breeding tank. That was a 38 gallon tank about 1/3 filled with hornwort, with an aquaclear 70 and an air-driven sponge filter. The 10 gallon tank was set up similarly, small hob and a smaller sponge filter, and loaded with Najas. I used a mortar and pestle to grind NLS Grow pellets and spirulina flake into a fine powder, and fed that to the fry a couple times daily.
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