
All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Post by sammich »

Will cories of different spieces school together? I'm setting up a new tank and I'm planning on putting 20 cories in there, but not all of the same species, and I'm afraid that they might not school. Could someone clarify this for me? Thanks.
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Post by Yann »


I have mixed species together in community tanks, it really depend on what species you mix together, some do and others don't...but usually species that have similar body colour are more likely to school together than ones that have clearly different colour pattern but again this can vary from species to species and among individuals as well..
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Post by michelle56 »

Its kindof like mixing a piranha with a human hand. Doesn't turn out so good.
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Post by sammich »

Thanks...also, when will my cories be able to spawn?
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