Corydoras Xinguensis

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Corydoras Xinguensis

Post by sheldon »

Hi, simple question. Why is it i never see Corydoras Xinuensis for sale in the UK? I regularly see "Golden Nugget" L18, L81, etc. but not the little fellows. Pressumably if the L18,s are being collected from the Rio Xingu then at some point in time some of the Corydoras will also be scooped up? Or am i missing something here?
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Re: Corydoras Xinguensis

Post by MatsP »

C. xinguensis comes from the Upper Xingu river, so it's not the same part of the river as the plecos we usually see, most of which are from Lower Xingu. Also, it's not allowed for export on the list by IBAMA that lists which fish are allowed to be exported. I would expect that to change in the near future.

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Re: Corydoras Xinguensis

Post by sheldon »

Many thanks for that.
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