first, some news :
How many eggs?
About the others fishes and the tank.
It's overfull, like my other tanks... Found some species during trips these 3 last month. For some of them I was schearching since years (like Geophagus and Crenicichla)
Unfortunaly I have no place for another tank yet. But soon, I will change all my installation, and Spatuloricaria spp will be in a 130x60 (cm) tank, with only a few Melanocharacidium sp. (the little brown fish witch appears sometimes in the pictures).
The Pikes and the Geophagus spp will be in a 900l tank (190x70 cm). Both are little species for their genera.
But in this tank there's other fishes...
- 7
whith their youngs
- 4
(sold as
ElTofi will get a part of them (or the whole), 60cm it's a little too big for me.
This spawn was unexpected an I am the first surprised.
But it's not the first, the other female lay eggs at the beggining of september, on a tank pan. 2 days before the male eat them.
So I hope that it will happen again
Sorry for my english, just hope that you can understand something
Tomorrow is D day normaly...